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New Child Seat Safety Guidelines
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It used to be a celebrated milestone for parents -- your child turns a year old and you turn the car seat to face forward. A few years later, time for a booster seat -- then eventually a real seat belt.
But now the American Academy of Pediatrics -- or AAP -- is pushing back all those traditional transitions -- saying kids need to wait longer.
And that could mean major headaches for parents. HLN explains the new rules:
"Pediatricians now say you should keep toddlers in the rear facing seat until at least until they're two. It used to be until they're one, or twenty pounds. Also experts are saying, kids should ride in booster seats until they are at least 8 years old and 4 feet, 9 inches tall."
Most media outlets reported this story with a proper car-seat buckling demonstration, explaining it's all about size and weight. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta uses a real toddler to show how -- the smaller the kid, the more at risk they are for injury.
"What they're saying, though, if you look at a rear-facing car seat, if there's an accident, the force is sort of distributed across the body as opposed to just on the head here. That's what they say makes all the difference."
The AAP also recommends new rules for the older kids, specifically -- children up to age 13 should remain in the back seat. And that's where the headaches come in... A doctor on Chicago's WFLD tells parents -- good luck enforcing that one:
DR. SALZMAN: "The other recommendation is that children 13 years and younger should try to remain in the back seat. [laughs] Try to tell a 13-year-old to remain in the back seat. I don't know you'll get that."
ANCHOR: "That's the one that parents probably have the most trouble with."
DR. SALZMAN: "Yes. You don't want to cut corners. One of the physicians interviewed said -- broccoli is negotiable. This is negotiable. But safety is not negotiable. We're talking about life and death stuff here."
While most parents understand that -- it's not making THEIR jobs any easier. Whether dealing with toddlers or teenagers, here are just a few responses to the new guidelines:
A writer for Stroller Traffic tweets:
"Seriously? I can't imagine keeping my son in a rear-facing car seat until he's 2. Ugh. I mean, I get it. But, UGH."
A Dallas mother debates both sides on MyDFWMommy blog:
"On one hand, I am saddened because babies seem so much happier when they can see the world the way we do... On the other hand, if rear facing is safer, I want my baby as safe as possible!"
And a writer for BlogHer has concerns about booster seats for 12-year olds:
"I'm not saying that I don't value my kids' safety. I do. But with safety seats 'expiring' after five years... it can get pricey to keep a genetically small-boned, shorter child in a seat until that age."
Still on the fence? In a last ditch effort to convince parents, the New York Times tells the story of how one family's strict car seat rules saved their children's lives:
"The couple and their three children ... were broad-sided by a car that had had a blowout. Their minivan flipped into the air, sailed over three lanes of traffic and landed on the shoulder, upside down... they found ... all three children suspended upside down, still securely strapped in their car seats."
TIME reports all states already have laws in place requiring car seats up to age four -- but the new policy means those laws will be out of date. So what do you think? Are the new rules helpful -- or just a headache?
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它曾經是一個著名的里程碑,父母 - 你的孩子滿一歲,你把汽車座椅面對前進。幾年後,時間為一個助推器席位 - 然後最後一個真正的安全帶。
但是現在美國兒科學 - 或AAP的 - 是所有那些傳統的推背過渡 - 他說:孩子們需要等待更長的時間。
大多數媒體報導這個故事,一個合適的汽車座椅屈曲示範,說明它是所有關於尺寸和重量。 CNN的桑傑古普塔使用一個真正的孩子,以展示 - 孩子越小,越危險,他們是傷害。
該商會還建議新規則對年長的孩子,特別是 - 13歲以下兒童應留在後座。而這正是頭痛進來 ..醫生在芝加哥的WFLD告訴父母 - 祝你好運強制執行該之一:
議員。薩爾茲曼:“是的。你不想偷工減料。之一醫師採訪時說 - 花椰菜沒有討價還價的餘地。這是談判的。但是安全是不能討價還價的。我們談論的是生命和死亡的東西在這裡。”
雖然大多數家長已意識到 - 這不是讓他們的工作變得更容易。無論是處理幼兒或青少年,在這裡只是一些反應,新的指導方針:
達拉斯的母親辯論兩側 MyDFWMommy博客:
“我不是說我不重視我的孩子們的安全。我知道。但隨著安全座椅'過期'後五年昂貴 ...它可以保持一個基因的小骨骼,更短的孩子在一個座位到那個年齡。“
“這對夫妻和他們的三個孩子...很寬面由一車,經歷了一次井噴。它們的小型貨車在空中翻轉,航行超過三線交通,並降落在肩膀上,上下顛倒 ...他們發現。 ..這三名兒童倒吊下來,仍牢固地綁在他們的汽車座位。“
時間報告所有國家已經制定法律,要求汽車座椅歲以下四個 - 但新的政策手段將這些法律已經過時。那麼,你怎麼看?新規則是有幫助的 - 或者只是頭痛嗎?
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