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Amazon's Cloud Drive Faces Music Industry Backlash
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Anyone remember Napster? One of the first peer-to-peer music sharing services, and until it had its pants sued off, it was massively popular. Now there’s a new music player in town--but with a twist. It’s Amazon’s Cloud Drive--a new way to backup your own music and access it anywhere, anytime. The catch? Amazon says it doesn’t need a music license.
“Amazon went ahead and launched its Cloud music service called Amazon Cloud Drive. For now this is only for music. It lets you upload all of your music to Amazon’s own servers and then you can play that music anytime you have a web connection or an Android device.” (Video Source: CNET)
The move has been called quote “stunning”--and others are calling it just plain -- illegal. FNN quotes an executive, who remains anonymous:
“‘I've never seen a company of their size make an announcement, launch a service and simultaneously say they're trying to get licenses.’”
An Amazon spokesperson says storing music on Amazon’s Cloud Drive is the same as storing your jams on an external hard drive or iTunes. But still, ARS Technica seems to be is in just as much awe as everyone else...
“We wondered aloud how Amazon managed to strike such an impressive licensing deal with the record labels, given the fact that Apple seems to still be working out the details for its own digital locker service. It turns out that Amazon hasn't struck a deal, and seems to be hoping that the record companies will be the ones to blink.”
...and of course the record labels themselves are in a tizzy, saying the service encourages piracy. But a writer for PCWorld says, notsomuch.
“I go out and purchase a CD...the record labels get their (absurd) cut--and I go home and upload it to Then, I sync my iPod to my desktop computer. Now I can access my music from home and when I'm on the go! Are the record labels going to come after me and demand that I purchase an extra license for my iPod? No, because that's ridiculous.”
The cloud service works on a computer or Android device- but not on iPhones or iPads. Apple has its own little music thing going. But a much older company has raised a ruckus in these music wars. Sony. (Video Source: YouTube/Amazon)
Digital Trends reports the Japanese giant isn’t exactly floating on Amazon’s cloud.
“Sony...contends that Amazon is in the wrong on this thinking. The two companies are essentially locked in a corporate game of chicken, and since there’s no immediately obvious legal precedent to back up either argument it seems likely that this will all end up playing out in court, as Sony hinted.”
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人記得 Napster的?一個同行之首的對等音樂共享服務,直到它有它的褲子被起訴過,這是廣受歡迎。現在有一個新的音樂播放器在城裡 - 但有點變化。這是亞馬遜的雲機 - 一種新的方式來備份你自己的音樂和訪問它的任何地方,任何時間。收穫?亞馬遜表示,它並不需要一個音樂許可證。
“亞馬遜一意孤行,並推出了音樂服務名為亞馬遜雲雲車道。現在這是唯一的音樂。它可以讓你上傳您所有的音樂亞馬遜自己的服務器,然後你可以播放音樂的任何時候你有一個 Web連接或Android設備。“(視頻來源:CNET科技資訊)
此舉被稱為引述“驚人” - 和其他人在呼喚它只是普通的 - 非法的。模糊神經網絡報價執行,誰仍然無名氏:
亞馬遜公司發言人說,存儲音樂在亞馬遜的雲車道是一樣的,存儲您的卡紙外部硬盤驅動器或iTunes。但儘管如此,Ars Technica的似乎是一樣多的敬畏其他人一樣 ...
“我出去購買的CD唱片公司取得...他們(荒謬)削減 - 我回家,把它上傳到我的...電腦。於是,我同步我的iPod連接到桌面計算機。現在,我可以訪問我的音樂家裡,我在走!是唱片公司要跟從我,要求我購買一個額外的執照我的iPod?不,因為那是可笑的。“
雲服務工程對計算機或Android設備,但是沒有在iPhone或ipad公司。蘋果有自己的小樂的事情去。但更古老的公司提出了騷動,這些音樂的戰爭。索尼。 (視頻來源有:Youtube /亞馬遜)
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