Newsy2011.4.12---YouTube Live正式啟用


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Newsy2011.4.12---YouTube Live正式啟用
YouTube Goes Live
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From the old fashioned boob tube to YouTube… the video-sharing site has at long last unveiled its live streaming service.
YouTube’s parent company, Google, says it hopes YouTube Live will cater to the Internet TV generation. Google also plans to invest $100 million in a major overhaul
Two analysts from The Wall Street Journal explain why YouTube is making the leap to live.
Dennis Berman (Financial analyst, WSJ): “Young people today are probably far more likely to view their through a Youtube like interface than they are through regular cable TV.”
Jessica Vascellaro (Media and Marketing, WSJ): “One important thing that is driving this in part is internet-connected televisions, tablets. So you have new devices that are new interfaces that even feel TV-like that all of a sudden Youtube can get content to.”
A CNet blogger adds- the live streaming service fits in nicely with YouTube’s long-term plan.
“Live video streams are also likely to play a big part in YouTube's reported plan to bring original content series to its programming lineup, paving the way for real-time news shows and other live broadcasts.”
YouTube joins a handful of sites that already offer streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon, and uStream. A blogger for World TV PC writes...
“The service is bound to threaten rival sites...largely due to YouTube’s massive user base and its widely recognised brand. Whether or not the YouTube Live service will rival broadcast and cable TV is another question. The partners who provide the content will be, of course, a key element to the service’s success.
But The Globe and Mail reports, YouTube Live’s success hinges on getting access to shows and events that may be locked up by TV-rights holders.
“The most-valuable live content may be hard to come by. As advertising budgets have shrunk and more people are watching on-demand or digitally recorded programs, TV providers have bet more on lucrative live events that can still draw viewers.”
According to PC World, the live-streaming beta program will initially only allow YouTube partners quote “in good standing” to stream live content on the site.
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YouTube的母公司谷歌,YouTube上表示,希望現場,照顧到互聯網電視的一代。谷歌還計劃投資 1億美元的大修
兩位分析師來自華爾街日報解釋為什麼 YouTube是使生活的飛躍。
丹尼斯•伯曼(財務分析師,華爾街日報):“現在年輕人可能更可能將他們通過了一個 Youtube一樣的界面比他們通過定期有線電視。”
傑西卡 Vascellaro(媒體和營銷,華爾街日報):“一個重要的事情,是推動這個部分是Internet連接的電視機,片劑。所以,你有新的設備,是新的接口,甚至覺得電視那樣一下子YouTube可以得到的內容。“
一篇CNET博客Adds的實況流媒體服務很好地適應了與 YouTube的長期計劃。
YouTube上加入了一些已經提供的網站,如Netflix的流媒體服務,Amazon和uStream。一個部落客在世界電視電腦寫 ...
“的服務,必將威脅到對手網站 ...主要是由於 YouTube的龐大的用戶基礎和廣泛認可的品牌。無論在YouTube Live服務將對手的廣播和有線電視是另一個問題。誰的合作夥伴提供的內容將是,當然,一個關鍵要素服務的成功。
據 PC世界,現場流測試計劃最初將只允許 YouTube合作夥伴引述“良好的信譽”,以流的直播內容在網站上。
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