Poptech2011.4.12---Carlo Ratti:吸油機器人

Poptech2011.4.12---Carlo Ratti:吸油機器人
Carlo Ratti: Oil-absorbing Robots
Director of MIT's SENSEable City Lab Carlo Ratti wondered if there was a way to create a small, inexpensive, scalable, self-organizing system to help remove the oil after the Gulf oil spill. He discusses the inception of Seaswarm, a fleet of low-cost oil-absorbing robots in his PopTech 2010 talk.

卡羅 Ratti公司:吸油機器人
主任MIT的SENSEable城市實驗室卡羅 Ratti公司想知道是否有一種方式來創建一個小型,廉價,可擴展,自組織系統,以幫助消除石油洩漏後,海灣地區的石油。他討論了成立以來 Seaswarm,一隊低成本吸油他PopTech機器人在2010年的談話。

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