TEDxDanubia2011.4.6---Tomicah Tillemann- 創建一個不斷變化的變化世界

TEDxDanubia2011.4.6---Tomicah Tillemann- 創建一個不斷變化的變化世界
TEDxDanubia 2011 - Tomicah Tillemann - Creating Change in a Changing World
Tomicah Tillemann serves as the Senior Advisor for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, prior to which he worked as speechwriter to the Secretary. Tomicah spent four years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as the principal advisor on European and Eurasian affairs to former Senator Joseph Biden. He also facilitated the work of the Senate's Subcommittee on European Affairs, then chaired by Barack Obama. Tomicah's other professional experience includes work with the House Subcommittee on International Organizations, Security, and Human Rights, the White House Office of Media Affairs, and four U.S. Senate and Congressional campaigns. Tomicah is co-holder of four patents on advanced clean technologies and co-founder of IRIS Engines. He has helped to found and lead numerous civil society groups and served on the board of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice.

TEDxDanubia2011 -Tomicah Tillemann- 創建一個不斷變化的世界的變化
Tomicah Tillemann擔任高級顧問公民社會與新興民主國家國務卿希拉里克林頓,在此之前,他擔任演講稿撰寫局長。 Tomicah花了四年時間在參議院外交關係委員會的首席顧問在歐洲和歐亞事務的前參議員拜登。他還推動了工作的參議院小組委員會歐洲事務,然後主持奧巴馬。 Tomicah的其他專業工作經驗,包括與眾議院小組委員會國際組織,安全和人權,白宮傳媒事務辦公室,四個美國參議院和國會的活動。 Tomicah是合作的四項專利持有人對先進的清潔技術和共同創始人 IRIS的發動機。他參與並領導許多民間社會團體和送達公司董事會之蘭托斯人權基金會與正義。

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