TEDxGoodenoughCollege2011.4.28---Ole Peters :時間與機遇

TEDxGoodenoughCollege2011.4.28---Ole Peters :時間與機遇
TEDxGoodenoughCollege - Ole Peters - Time and Chance
Ole Peters received a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Imperial College London in 2004. He then moved to the US, where he held a joint fellowship at the Santa Fe Institute and the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory. His work there focused on problems in statistical mechanics with an application to atmospheric physics, which later led him to join the Climate Systems Interaction group at UCLA. Following academic visits in Budapest, Beijing and Hamburg, he returned to Imperial College in 2009 and is currently a member of the Mathematics Department and the Grantham Institute for Climate Change. His most recent work is concerned with the conceptualisation of randomness in probability theory. In particular, he is interested in so-called non-ergodic random systems whose behaviour in time cannot be summarised by a probability distribution. When he doesn't think about ergodicity he spends as much time as he can in the ocean, recently on vessels ranging in size from a 5'4'' surfboard to a three-mast tall ship.

TEDxGoodenoughCollege-奧萊彼得斯- 時間與機遇
奧萊收到彼得斯博士在理論物理學倫敦帝國學院於 2004年。然後,他移居美國,在那裡他舉行了聯合獎學金在聖菲研究所和非線性研究中心在美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室。他的作品關注的主要問題,統計力學與應用程序對大氣物理,導致後來他加入了氣候系統的相互作用組在加州大學洛杉磯分校。在布達佩斯學術訪問之後,北京和漢堡,他回到了帝國學院在2009年,現為成員,數學系和研究所的格蘭瑟姆氣候變化。他最近的工作是有關概念化概率論中的隨意性。他特別感興趣的是所謂的非遍歷的隨機系統,其行為不能被及時總結了一個概率分佈。當他不想想他遍歷性花那麼多時間,他可以在海洋,最近在大小不等的船隻從5'4''衝浪板為三高桅船。

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