TEDxKRP2011.4.27---Carlos Miranda Levy :創造社區救助企業

TEDxKRP2011.4.27---Carlos Miranda Levy :創造社區救助企業
TEDxKRP - Carlos Miranda Levy - Relief Enterprise
A global marketplace where disaster survivors sell goods and services to the world so they can generate wealth and not depend on donations. Our mission is to empower local communities impacted by disaster to generate wealth and become self-sustainable, connecting them with a global market for their goods and services. Natural disasters disrupt the economy and generation of wealth where they occur. It takes time for the economy to recover and most incoming resources for recovery are managed by foreign organizations, professionals and volunteers, excluding local stakeholders. Funds provided by the international community are largely spent on foreign resources and remain outside the local ecosystem. Furthermore, local resources and stakeholders are not actively engaged in the relief and recovery initiatives, often being displaced by foreign providers and ending up depending on foreign aid, assistance and hand outs. The truth is that disaster survivors are resourceful and capable people able to fend for themselves and generate wealth if given the opportunity. The physical infrastructure may have been destroyed, but not so the social structure. The buildings might be gone, but the professionals and the skills of the people are intact, ready to be put to good use.

TEDxKRP-卡洛斯米蘭達徵費 -救助企業

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