Newsy2011.6.1---WHO :手机可能引发癌症


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Newsy2011.6.1---WHO :手机可能引发癌症
WHO Announces Cell Phones May Cause Cancer
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Cell phone use will be joining lead and engine exhaust as possible causes for cancer. Despite claims to the contrary, the World Health Organization announced on Tuesday that radiation from cell phones could lead to cancer.
“The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.”
A group of 31 scientists from 14 countries made the decision after reviewing previous studies surrounding cell phone usage and exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields. CNET interpreted the group’s findings after the announcement.
“By putting cell phone radiation in this category, the IARC is basically saying that there is some evidence in humans, which suggests there is a credible chance that cell phones may cause cancer. But other risk factors or causes have also not been ruled out. In other words, more study is needed.”
A professor at the University of Washington told CNN he thinks the warning to the public is a good move though research is still in its beginning stages.
"When you look at cancer development -- particularly brain cancer -- it takes a long time to develop. I think it is a good idea to give the public some sort of warning that long-term exposure to radiation from your cell phone could possibly cause cancer."
But just what should people do with this ‘warning’? ABC’s chief medical editor offered his suggestions on WABC.
“If you can separate the cell phone from your head, you're reducing the risk- so using a hands-free device, using a speaker. Stop telling your kids not to text. Let them text instead of using the cell phone. And cut down on the amount of use all together. And those things, even if there is a risk, will reduce the risk that you have a problem.”
Another expert discussed on CNN her concerns regarding the questions beginning to surface about increased cell phone usage and today’s children.
“One, their brain cells and their cells in general are dividing and developing quickly, right? So those cells are often more vulnerable to some kind of a carcinogen than an adult cell. So there’s a concern about growing children and the risk."
But even as the list of possible cancer risk factors grows longer, a WebProNews writer doesn’t think cell phone users will be too phased by the news.
“...I have a feeling that many of us would accept brain cancer as an alternative to returning to pre-cellphone (sic) days.”
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一个31组的科学家来自14个国家后作出检讨及周围使用手机暴露于无线电频率电磁场以往研究的决定。 CNET科技解释公布后,本集团的调查结果。
“当你在癌症的发展情况 - 特别是脑肿瘤 - 。它需要很长的时间去发展,我认为这是一个好主意,让市民一些警示那种长期暴露在手机辐射可能会导致癌症。“
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