TEDxOverlake2011.7.1---Krissy Moehl :生命在运动:通过运动学习

TEDxOverlake2011.7.1---Krissy Moehl :生命在运动:通过运动学习
TEDxOverlake - Krissy Moehl - Life in Motion: Learning through Movement
For over 10 years top ranked ultra-marathoner Krissy Moehl has participated in and won ultra-trail events around the world ranging from 50km to 103 miles. She enjoys both the physical and mental transformations these miles bring to life.
Alongside her passion, Krissy worked full-time in marketing for two outdoor industry companies, and fulfilled a three year commitment to a non-profit working to protect wild spaces. In 2010, her running offered a major life change, and with a leap of faith and hard work Krissy pursued running as a profession. The lessons learned on the trails about persistence, openness and serenity with surroundings continue to guide Krissy down this unknown path. She is passionate, excitable and humbled by the all that life has to offer.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.

TEDxOverlake - Krissy Moehl - 生命在运动:通过运动学习
对于超过10年排名最高的超马拉松Krissy Moehl参加并赢得了世界各地的超跟踪事件从50公里至103英里。她喜欢的物理和心理的转变这些里程带来生机。
除了她的激情,在营销工作Krissy全职两个户外行业的公司,并完成为期三年的承诺,一个非盈利性的工作,以保护野生空格。 2010年,她的运行提供了一个重大的生活变化,并用信仰和追求的辛勤工作Krissy飞跃作为行业运行。对有关持久性,开放性以及与周围宁静的小径中吸取的教训继续指导沿着这条未知的道路Krissy。她热情,激动和所有生命卑微所提供的。


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