TEDTalks2012.3.27---Regina Dugan:從MACH-20滑翔機到蜂鳥無人機

TEDTalks2012.3.27---Regina Dugan:從MACH-20滑翔機到蜂鳥無人機

Regina Dugan: From mach-20 glider to humming bird drone
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" asks Regina Dugan, then director of DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. In this breathtaking talk she describes some of the extraordinary projects -- a robotic hummingbird, a prosthetic arm controlled by thought, and, well, the internet -- that her agency has created by not worrying that they might fail. (Followed by a Q&A with TED's Chris Anderson)

什麼,你會嘗試這樣做,如果你知道你不能失敗“里賈納都敢要求,那麼,國防高級研究計劃局DARPA的董事,在這個激動人心的談話中,她介紹了一些非凡的項目 - 機器人蜂鳥,一瓣瓣由思維控制的手臂,以及互聯網 - 她的機構已通過創建不令人擔憂的是,他們可能會失敗(一個Q&A與泰德的克里斯·安德森)

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