TEDxBozeman2012.4.20---Florence Dunkel :食用昆蟲在全球糧食安全的潛力

TEDxBozeman2012.4.20---Florence Dunkel :食用昆蟲在全球糧食安全的潛力 TEDxBozeman Florence Dunkel The Potential of Edible Insects in Global Food Security We are concerned about our sustainable food practices right now and for the near future. We are concerned about over-harvesting our oceans. We are concerned about running out of land, water, and fossil fuels, just to produce beef which is a much higher methane producer while Galleria and other land shrimp, the insects, are more nutritious and more efficient converters of food into protein. Try land shrimp. They are more nutritious and more gentle on the environment than beef. Open your world to other ways of knowing---knowledge developed over millennia by other-than-western cultures. Dr. Dunkel is an Associate Professor of Entomology in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, Montana State University -- Bozeman (MSU -- Bozeman) with a Ph. D., M.S. and B.S. from the University of Wisconsin -- Madison. Her research focuses on plant-based natural products for insect management, particularly related to post-harvest ecosystems worldwide. Florence's current research products include use of natural products in the holistic management of grasshoppers in Montana and of malaria in West African (Malian) villages. Food insects and an insect feast have been part of her curriculum in Entomology for 23 years after a tasty introduction to sauteed brown locusts while working in Rwanda. About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations) TEDxBozeman佛羅倫薩Dunkel食用昆蟲在全球糧食安全的潛力 我們關心我們的可持續的飲食習慣,現在和不久的將來。我們擔心過度採伐我們的海洋。我們所關心的土地,水和化石燃料耗盡,只是生產的牛肉而廣場和其他土地蝦,昆蟲,更有營養,更有效地轉換成蛋白質食物,這是一個更高的甲烷生產者。嘗試土地蝦。他們是營養更豐富,更柔和的環境比牛肉。打開你的世界其他---知識的了解比其他西方文化幾千年發展的方式。 Dunkel博士是在植物科學系和蒙大拿州立大學的植物病理學,昆蟲學副教授 - 博茲曼(密歇根州立大學 - 波茲曼)具有博士,碩士和B.S.來自威斯康星 - 麥迪遜大學。她的研究主要集中在植物為主的天然產品,昆蟲的管理,特別是涉及到收穫後的全球生態系統。佛羅倫薩目前的研究產品,包括使用的天然產品,在蒙大拿州的蝗蟲和瘧疾在西非(馬里)村莊的整體管理。食品昆蟲和昆蟲盛宴已經23年的美味炒褐色蝗蟲,而在盧旺達工作的介紹後,她在昆蟲學課程的一部分。 關於TEDx,X =獨立舉辦 TEDx是一種值得推廣的思想精神,地方,自我組織的活動,使人們一起分享類TED的體驗方案。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻和現場演講相結合,激發​​深入的討論,並在一小群的連接。這些地方,自組織的活動品牌的TEDx,其中x=獨立組織的TED活動。 TED會議為TEDx的計劃提供一般性指導,但個別TEDx活動是自發組織的。 (*符合一定的規則和規例)

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