TEDxWallStreet2012.4.12---Alexa von Tobel:個人理財網站

TEDxWallStreet2012.4.12---Alexa von Tobel:個人理財網站 TEDxWallStreet - Alexa von Tobel - One Life-Changing Class You Never Took Alexa von Tobel is the founder and CEO of LearnVest.com which she has been developing and growing since 2006. LearnVest is the leading personal finance and lifestyle website that brings financial literacy to women. Since launching LearnVest, Alexa has been widely quoted as a personal finance expert and entrepreneur in top tier business and consumer publications including: New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, BusinessWeek, Shape, Fast Company, Marie Claire, ForbesWoman, InStyle, People StyleWatch, Time Out New York, The Huffington Post, among many others. Alexa has been included on Vanity Fair's 2011 Next Establishment list, featured on Business Insider's 2010 and 2011 Silicon Alley 100 lists, named "One of the Coolest Young Entrepreneurs" in Inc. Magazine's 30 Under 30 feature, titled a "Woman to Watch" by Forbes and included on the publication's 30 Under 30 list, highlighted on BusinessWeek's annual list of "Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs," among others. LearnVest has been named one of "25 Women-Run Startups to Watch" by Fast Company, included on Forbes' list of the "Top 100 Websites for Women" for the second year in a row, featured on Business Insider's Digital 100 list and included on Time Magazine's annual list of "50 Best Websites." TEDxWallStreet - 馮Tobel網站 - 一個生命改變類你從未 網站的的馮Tobel是她自2006年以來一直致力於開發和增長的創始人和首席執行官LearnVest.com。 LearnVest是全球領先的個人理財和生活方式的網站,給婦女帶來了金融知識。自發射LearnVest,網站已被廣泛引用,作為個人金融專家和企業家在頂級企業和消費者的出版物,包括:紐約時報,華爾街日報,紐約郵報“商業周刊”,形狀,快速公司,瑪麗克萊爾,ForbesWoman造我,人民StyleWatch,輸出,赫芬頓郵報,紐約時間等等。網站已被列入2011年“名利場博覽會的建立列表精選商業內幕的2010年和2011年的矽巷100名單上,,命名為”的最酷的青年企業家“公司雜誌的30在30功能”1“女看點”通過, “福布斯”,其中包括對3030歲以下的清單出版的“商業周刊”的年度名單上強調,“最佳青年科技企業家”,等等。 LearnVest已被對1“25名婦女,運行創業來觀看”快速公司列入福布斯“列表中的”熱門100網站的婦女“,第二年在一排,商業內幕的數字100名單上,與包括“時代”雜誌的年度“50大最佳網站”。

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