TEDxWallStreet32012.4.12---Jeff Hoffman:奇蹟的動力

TEDxWallStreet32012.4.12---Jeff Hoffman:奇蹟的動力 TEDxWallStreet - Jeff Hoffman - The Power of Wonder Jeff Hoffman is an accomplished entrepreneur and innovator in the fields of Internet, e-commerce and entertainment. In 2010, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award in Entrepreneurship from the National CEO Council and was also inducted into the Hall of Fame for Entrepreneurs by the International Association of College Entrepreneurs. Jeff is currently a founder and partner or ColorJar, a venture accelerator firm that helps small business owners launch and grow new business ventures. Hoffman is best known as a founder and CEO in the Priceline.com family of companies where he led the development and launch of Priceline's consumer company, Priceline Yardsale and was an Executive in Walker Digital, Priceline's parent company. After Priceline.com, Jeff was a founding partner, Chairman, and CEO of Black Sky Entertainment, an independent production company in the film and music industries. The firm produced independent films such as Cabin Fever and concerts and event with artists like Elton John, Fat Joe and more. Jeff has also served as Chairman of Adapted Sports, a non-profit that brings sports to disabled children; served as a regional board member for the Make-A-Wish Foundation; and hosted the annual Transplant Foundation fundraiser with Robert Redford. He was previously named an Honorary Commander of the United States Airforce. More information at www.TEDxWallStreet.com About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program TEDxWallStreet - 傑夫·霍夫曼 - 奇蹟的動力 傑夫·霍夫曼是一位成功的企業家,在互聯網,電子商務和娛樂等領域的創新。 2010年,他收到來自全國CEO理事會創業終身成就獎,還引導企業家名人堂大廳,由國際大學生企業家協會。傑夫是目前的創始人和夥伴或ColorJar的創業加速器公司,幫助小企業主的啟動和發展新企業。霍夫曼是最有名的創始人和首席執行官的公司,在那裡他領導的開發和推出Priceline的消費品公司,及預留Yardsale長官沃克數字,Priceline的母公司Priceline.com家庭。 Priceline.com後,傑夫是黑天娛樂,獨立製片公司在電影和音樂行業的創始合夥人,董事長,首席執行官。該公司生產的獨立電影,如客艙發燒,音樂會和藝術家如埃爾頓·約翰,喬發和事件。傑夫還曾擔任主席,一個非營利性殘疾兒童,使體育適應體育;擔任化妝許願基金會作為一個區域的董事會成員;主辦的一年一度的移植基金會籌款與羅伯特·雷德福。他曾命名榮譽的美國空軍指揮官。關於TEDx在www.TEDxWallStreet.com的更多信息,X =獨立組織的精神值得推廣的想法時,TEDx是一個程序

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