Technoport Talk2012.5.8---Frederic Hauge :智能,綠色的解決方案

Technoport Talk2012.5.8---Frederic Hauge :智能,綠色的解決方案 Technoport Talk: Smart, green solutions, Frederic Hauge, Pres. Bellona Frederic Hauge is the President and founder of The Bellona Foundation. Today, Bellona is an international recognised technology and solution-oriented organization with offices in Oslo, Brussels, Washington D.C., St. Petersburg and Murmansk. Altogether, some 75 engineers, ecologists, nuclear physicists, economists, lawyers, political scientists and journalists work at Bellona. Hauge was elected as vice chairman of the EC's Technology Platform on Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants (ZEP) in 2007. The same year Time Magazine named him "hero of the environment". In 2009 he became a board member of the Eu Biofuels Platform. Technoport Talks are inspiring presentations that are designed to show the possibilities and disseminate knowledge on role of technolgy in the transition to a green economy. technoport講座:智能,綠色的解決方案,弗雷德里克·豪格壓力。貝羅納弗雷德里克·豪格是總統和貝羅納基金會的創始人。今天,貝羅納是一個國際公認的技術和解決方案為導向的組織在奧斯陸,布魯塞爾,華盛頓,聖彼得堡和摩爾曼斯克設有辦事處。總之,約75個工程師,生態學家,核物理學家,經濟學家,律師,政治科學家和新聞記者在貝羅納工作。豪格被當選為副會長在2007年歐共體的零排放化石燃料發電廠(番)技術平台。同年“時代”雜誌給他取名為“環境英雄”。在2009年,他成為了董事會成員的歐盟生物燃料平台。 technoport會談是鼓舞人心的演講,旨在展示的可能性和technolgy的作用,在傳播知識向綠色經濟過渡的

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