TEDxTacoma 2012.5.2---Joe Dispenza:人腦可塑性的潛力

TEDxTacoma 2012.5.2---Joe Dispenza:人腦可塑性的潛力 TEDxTacoma - Joe Dispenza - The Three Brains that Allow Us to Go from Thinking to Doing to Being Joe Dispenza, D.C. has lectured in 24 countries on six continents, educating people about the role and function of the human brain. He has taught thousands of people how to reprogram their thinking through scientifically proven neuro-physiologic principles. As a result, this information has taught many individuals to reach their specific goals and visions by eliminating self-destructive habits. His approach, taught in a very simple method, creates a bridge between true human potential and the latest scientific theories of neuroplasticity. As an author of several scientific articles on the close relationship between the brain and the body, Dispenza ties information together to explain the roles these functions play in physical health and disease TEDxTacoma - 喬Dispenza - 三個的大腦,讓我們從思考做被 喬Dispenza,直流講課,在六大洲24個國家和地區,教育人們關於人類大腦的作用和功能。他曾任教成千上萬的人們如何通過科學驗證的神經生理的原則改編他們的思想。因此,這一信息告訴了許多人要達到的具體目標和遠景,消除自我毀滅性的習慣。他的做法,在一個非常簡單的方法教,創建一個真正的人的潛力和神經可塑性的最新科學理論之間的橋樑。 Dispenza關係信息的大腦和身體之間的密切關係的若干科學文章的作者,共同解釋這些功能的身體健康和疾病中扮演的角色

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