Reputation Institutte2013.10.18---2013年全球百大名望城市

Reputation Institutte2013.10.18---2013年全球百大名望城市
---全球前10名=雪梨 ,多倫多、斯德哥爾摩、維也納 ,威尼斯 ,羅倫斯、愛丁堡、慕尼黑、倫敦 ,哥本哈根,
---亞洲前8名=日本大阪 ,東京 ,新加坡、峇里島、香港、阿布達比、吉隆坡 ,台北
City RepTrak® is a global survey of more than 22,000 consumers, collected in the G8 countries, that ranks the world's 100 most reputable cities based on levels of trust, esteem, admiration and respect, as well as perceptions regarding 13 attributes, grouped into three dimensions: "Advanced Economy", "Effective Government" and "Appealing Environment".
Sydney has the world's best reputation. The rest of the top five cities include: Toronto, Stockholm, Vienna and Venice. At the opposite end of the scale are Cairo, Nairobi, Karachi, Tehran and Baghdad.

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