ideacity Talk2015.8.25---Daryl Oster :真空管运输技术

ideacity Talk2015.8.25---Daryl Oster :真空管运输技术
Daryl Oster, founder and CEO of et3, says “we must have a new paradigm shift in transportation,” and that means “taking space travel conditions down to earth.” He would do this with evacuated tube transport technology that would allow travel from Toronto to Beijing in two hours, travelling at 6500 km per hour, for a cost of $100 round trip. Travel would be “clean, green, fast, comfortable and affordable for all,” and safe, not vulnerable to environmental conditions. In this scenario, car-sized passenger or cargo capsules would be moved along an international network of 1.5m diameter frictionless vacuum tubes using magnetic levitation technology. Watch the video and see the future unfold.
达里尔 - 奥斯特,创始人和ET3的首席执行官说:“我们必须在运输新模式转变,”这意味着“以太空旅行条件脚踏实地。”他就这样与真空管运输技术,将允许从多伦多旅游到北京两个小时,行驶时速6500公里,$ 100的往返费用。旅游将是“清洁,绿色,快捷,舒适,价格合理的所有,”安全,不容易受到环境条件。在这种情况下,汽车大小的客运或货运胶囊将沿采用磁悬浮技术的直径1.5米摩擦的真空管组成的国际网络移动。观看视频,看到了未来展开。

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