Investors Trading Academy---Elliott Wave Theory艾略特波浪理論

Investors Trading Academy---Elliott Wave Theory艾略特波浪理論
Our word of the day is “Elliott Wave Theory” “The Wave Principle” was developed by Ralph Nelson Elliott’s, it is a discovery that social, or crowd, behavior trends and reverses in recognizable patterns. Using stock market data for the Dow Jones Industrial Average as his main research tool, Elliott discovered that the ever-changing path of stock market prices reveals a structural design that in turn reflects a basic harmony found in nature. From this discovery, he developed a rational system of market analysis. Elliott Wave Principle measures investor psychology, which is the real engine behind the stock markets. When people are optimistic about the future of a given issue, they bid the price up. Elliott isolated thirteen “waves,” or patterns of directional movement, that recur in markets and are repetitive in form, but are not necessarily repetitive in time or amplitude. He named, defined and illustrated the patterns. He then described how these structures link together to form larger versions of the same patterns, how those in turn are the building blocks for patterns of the next larger size, and so on. His descriptions constitute a set of empirically derived rules and guidelines for interpreting market action.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
我们当天的词是“艾略特波浪理论” “波浪理论”是由拉尔夫·纳尔逊·艾略特的发展,这是一个发现,即社会或人群,行为趋势和反转的识别模式。利用股市数据,道琼斯工业平均指数作为他的主要研究工具,艾略特发现,股票的市场价格不断变化的路径揭示了结构设计,又体现在自然界中发现一个基本的和谐。从这一发现,他开发的市场分析的合理的制度。 艾略特波浪理论衡量投资者的心理,这是股市背后的真正引擎。当人们对某一问题的未来持乐观态度,他们竞标价格上涨。 埃利奥特分离13“波”或定向的运动模式,即复发在市场和是重复的形式,但不必是重复在时间或幅度。他命名,定义和说明的模式。然后,他描述了这些结构如何连接在一起以形成更大的相同的模式,如何将这些反过来可用于下一个较大尺寸的图案的积木,等的版本。他描述构成了一套经验得出的规则和准则解释市场行为。

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