Investors Trading Academy---Relative Strength Index相对强弱指数

Investors Trading Academy---Relative Strength Index相对强弱指数
The Relative Strength Index is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. An RSI calculation oscillates between zero and 100. Traditionally RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30. Signals can also be generated by looking for divergences, failure swings and centerline crossovers. RSI can also be used to identify the general trend. A technical RSI compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses in an attempt to determine overbought and oversold conditions of an asset. A trader using RSI should be aware that large surges and drops in the price of an asset will affect the RSI by creating false buy or sell signals. Like many momentum oscillators, overbought and oversold readings for RSI work best when prices move sideways within a range.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy.
相对强弱指数是一个动量振荡指标测量的速度和价格走势的变化。 0到100之间的RSI计算振荡。 传统RSI技术指标被认为是在70上方超买和超卖低于30信号时,也可以通过寻找分歧,未能波动和中心线交叉产生的。 RSI还可以用来识别总的趋势。一个技术相对强弱指数近期涨势的幅度比较近的损失,试图确定资产的超买和超卖的条件。使用RSI交易者应该知道,大浪涌和下降的资产价格会影响到RSI通过创造虚假的买入或卖出信号。像许多势头振荡器,超买和超卖读数RSI工作最好的时候,价格的范围内横向移动。

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