Investors Trading Academy---Warrant權證

Investors Trading Academy---Warrant權證
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events. Our word of the day is “Warrant”
Corporations may issue warrants that allow you to buy a company's stock at a fixed price during a specific period of time, often 10 or 15 years, though sometimes there is no expiration date. Warrants are generally issued as an incentive to investors to accept bonds or preferred stocks that will be paying a lower rate of interest or dividends than would otherwise be paid. How attractive the warrants are — and so how effective they are as an incentive to purchase — generally depends on the growth potential of the issuing company. The brighter the outlook, the more attractive the warrant becomes.
When a warrant is issued, the exercise price is above the current market price. For example, a warrant on a stock currently trading at $15 a share might guarantee you the right to buy the stock at $30 a share within the next 10 years. If the price goes above $30, you can exercise, or use, your warrant to purchase the stock, and either hold it in your portfolio or resell at a profit. If the price of the stock falls over the life of the warrant, however, the warrant becomes worthless. Warrants are listed with a "wt" following the stock symbol and traded independently of the underlying stock. For example, if you own warrants to purchase a stock at $30 a share that is currently trading for $40 a share, your warrants would theoretically be worth a minimum of $10 a share, or their intrinsic value.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
企业可发行认股权证,让您在的时候,往往10年或15年的特定时段购买某公司的股票在一个固定的价格,尽管有时是没有到期日。认股权证通常发出,以鼓励投资者接受,将支付的利息或股息比其他支付率较低的债券或优先股。有多大的吸引力权证 - 因此他们是如何有效的是作为购买奖励 - 一般取决于发行公司的增长潜力。的前景更加明亮,更具吸引力的权证变。
当发出通缉令,行权价高于目前的市场价格。例如,对A股目前交易于$ 15每股认股权证可以保证你买的股票以每股$ 30未来10年之内的权利。如果价格高于$ 30,你可以锻炼,或使用,您的认股权证以购买股票,并要么拿在你的投资组合或转售获利。如果股票的价格下跌了权证的生活,但是,权证变得一文不值。权证都列出了一个“重量”是继股票代码和标的股票的独立交易。例如,如果你拥有权证购买的股票在A股的当前股价以$ 40每股$ 30的认购权证在理论上是值得最低的每股10 $,还是其内在价值。

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