Investors Trading Academy财经日历---2015.9.7~9.11

Investors Trading Academy财经日历---2015.9.7~9.11
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy economic calendar of the week. Each week our news analysts review the upcoming economic events that you should be monitoring during the week. The week starts off with a US holiday, the official end of the summer vacation season. Traders will all be back in their offices with a roar on Tuesday to start off the last quarter of the year. Markets will be glued to the Federal Reserve meeting next week. Jobs data released on Friday gave no clear indication for a Federal Reserve decision. The rest of the week is relatively light in economic data terms. Sterling watchers and loonie followers will get rate decisions from the UK and Canada during the week, while China data will be particularly useful following the volatility of the past month and the reopening of the stock market there following the WWII commemorations.
Equity news is light too, although housebuilders will be in focus. Having been hit by recent turmoil, investors will be hoping that fundamentals can shine through and justify current valuations. Also on the list is supermarket Morrison’s, which will be hoping that an update on sales will allow the share price to stage a recovery.
In the US, the key economic data isn’t released until late in the week. And in China key economic data is released on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, covering trade, inflation, and production, investment and retail sales.
In China, the week kicks off on Tuesday when China releases its trade data. Economists expect that exports fell at a 5 per cent annual rate in August, while imports are tipped to slide by 6 per cent. Overall the trade surplus is expected to have lifted from $43 billion to $51.1 billion in August.
On Thursday, China’s National Bureau of Statistics issues inflation data for August -- both consumer and producer prices. Inflation is well contained at present with producer prices still falling, not rising. Economists expect that producer prices fell 5.5 per cent over the year to August while consumer prices grew 1.9 per cent over the period. On Sunday the monthly batch of Chinese economic indicators are released -- retail sales, production and investment. There are signs that Chinese economic activity is gaining pace and investors would want to see further confirmation of that trend. Expect annual retail sales growth near 10.6 per cent with production near 6.3 per cent and investment near 11.2 per cent. The risk is that the results print on the weaker side of expectations -- especially given that China closed down heavy manufacturers and restricted transport in Beijing due to the World Athletic championships. We would expect activity levels to lift in coming months.
In the US, the week kicks off on Tuesday with consumer credit figures, the NFIB small business index and employment trends index. Economists expect that consumers continue to warm to low borrowing costs with credit tipped to have expanded by US$18 billion in July after a lift of US$20.7 billion increase in June.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy

在中国,本周在周二拉开序幕,当中国公布的贸易数据。经济学家预计,出口同比下降在5%的年增长率在八月,而进口放倒了6%下滑。总体贸易顺差的预期已经从$ 43个十亿至$ 51.1十亿在八月解除。
上周四,统计中国国家统计局发布的通胀数据为月 - 消费者和生产者价格指数。通货膨胀以及包含目前与生产者价格仍在下降,而不是上升。经济学家预计,生产者价格指数下降了5.5%在今年8月,而居民消费价格超过百分之期间增长了1.9。
上周日,每月一批的中国经济指标公布 - 零售销售,生产和投资。有迹象表明,中国的经济活动正在加速和投资者希望看到这种趋势进一步确认。预计全年零售额增长近10.6%的近6.3%,投资生产近11.2%。风险在于对预期弱侧的结果打印 - 特别是考虑到中国关停重制造商和运输的限制在北京,由于世界田径锦标赛。我们希望活动的水平提升在未来几个月内。
在美国,当周周二揭开序幕消费信贷数字,NFIB小企业指数和就业趋势指数。经济学家们预计,消费者继续升温至较低的借贷成本与信贷倾斜已被美国美国7月份的升程$ 20.7十亿增加6月份以后扩大$ 18个十亿。

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