Talks at Google2015.9.18---Carl Safina :动物的想法和感受

Talks at Google2015.9.18---Carl Safina :动物的想法和感受
Award-winning author and renowned ocean conservationist Carl Safina discusses his new book "Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel." Hailed as "a beautifully written, provocative case for seeing animals through their eyes" by Discover magazine, "Beyond Words" draws from decades of observation of African elephants in Kenya’s Amboseli National Park, free-living wolves in Yellowstone, and societies of killer whales in the Pacific Northwest. Taking us into their lives and minds, Safina reports on the astonishing similarities between our minds and theirs (including a surprising capacity for self-awareness, empathy, and grief) and offers a graceful examination of what makes us human.

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