ARIRANG NEWS2015.10.28---韩国是国家经商便利度第四

ARIRANG NEWS2015.10.28---韩国是国家经商便利度第四
The World Bank says South Korea is one of the easiest countries in the world to do business in. While trailing behind Singapore, New Zealand and Denmark... we outrank regional rivals,... like China and Japan. Oh Soo-young looks into the rankings. Korea is the fourth-easiest country to do business in, according to a World Bank report published Wednesday.
Asia′s fourth-largest economy has been on a steady rise in rankings these past six years, achieving an immense leap from 19th in 2009.
Singapore maintained its first place for a tenth straight year, followed by New Zealand and Denmark. Meanwhile, Japan tumbled from 29th to 34th while China rose 6 notches to 84th. The annual ′Doing Business′ report ranks one-hundred-89 countries based on ten indicators, including obtaining licensing approvals, starting a business, and the ease of cross-border trading. In terms of G20 countries, Korea ranks first, while among OECD countries it ranks third behind New Zealand and Denmark.
Korea′s finance ministry attributes the upward trend to consistent government efforts to create a business-friendly environment through improved business rules and infrastructure.
However, experts say the World Bank′s report may not reflect true business conditions as its evaluation standards are too general, overlooking certain restrictions. -
″There are a number of indirect barriers on labor, work sites and environmental conditions through market restrictions, pricing regulations, and goverment controls. These create difficulties for businesses.″ To address these shortcomings, the finance ministry says it will continue to improve rules on labor, work sites, and the environment.
It will also mitigate regulations on service and new technology industries.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.
根据10个指标,包括获得许可的批准,开办企业,以及更方便地跨境交易的年度“营商环境报告”报告排名一百-89的国家。 在G20国家而言,韩国排名第一,而OECD国家中也居第三位,仅次于新西兰和丹麦。
不过,专家说,世界银行的报告未必反映真实经营状况作为评价的标准过于笼统,俯瞰着一定的限制。 -
“有一些关于劳动的间接障碍,工作场所和通过市场的限制,定价规定的环境条件,及政府的适度控制。这些为企业创造的困难。“ 为了克服这些缺点,财政部表示,将继续改善劳工,工作场所和环境规则。

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