ARIRANG NEWS2015.10.9---NASA发布冥王星新图像

ARIRANG NEWS2015.10.9---NASA发布冥王星新图像
NASA has released stunning new images of Pluto, revealing the distant dwarf planet has blue skies and regions of red water-ice.
This is the latest in a number of remarkable achievements and discoveries for NASA in the past year. Kwon Jang-ho has the details. Blue skies - just like home.
These are the latest pictures of Pluto sent from the New Horizons space probe.
They show the particles in Pluto′s atmosphere dispersing sunlight to produce a hazy blue sky. The unexpected discovery has stunned and delighted NASA, with the probes principal investigator describing it as ′gorgeous.′
The color is helping with understanding the composition of the planet′s atmosphere. Photos of exposed regions of red water ice have also been sent back, but NASA′s scientists were at a loss to explain the intensity of their color, saying more research is needed. New Horizons was launched in January 2006, and has traveled more than 3 billion miles over 9 years, becoming the first probe to reach Pluto. It is said to be in full working condition, and has been sending back breath-taking pictures of the planet and its moon Charon since July.
NASA has had a remarkable year. Just two weeks ago, it announced the discovery of flowing water on the surface of Mars, increasing the possibility of finding microscopic life on the red planet.
There was also the discovery of Kepler 452b in July, nick-named Earth 2.0, the most Earth-like planet found till date as well as the Rosetta Spacecraft that landed the Philae lander on the surface of a moving comet last November. In recent years NASA has come under criticism for high costs, failed programs and intangible benefits. But with discoveries and pictures like these, it is helping to reawaken man′s imagination and curiosity of the universe.
Kwon Jang-Ho, Arirang News.
美国航空航天局已经发布了冥王星令人惊叹的新图像,揭示了遥远的矮行星有蓝色的天空和红色的水冰的地区。 这是最新的一个数字在过去一年显着的成绩,并发现了美国航空航天局的。
蔚蓝的天空 - 就像回家。
照片的红水冰暴露地区也被发回,但美国航空航天局的科学家们在无法解释其颜色的强度,他说需要更多的研究。 新地平线于2006年1月推出,并已走过超过30十亿英里的9年,成为第一个探头到达冥王星。
还有开普勒452B的七月,发现绰号地球2.0,最类似地球的行星发现,直到日期以及罗塞塔飞船降落Philae着陆器移动彗星去年11月表面上。 近年来,美国航空航天局已经受到批评,成本高,失败的项目和无形的利益。 但随着发现和图片这样的,它有助于重新唤醒人类的想象力和对宇宙的好奇心。

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