KGUN9 news2015.10.8---物联网技术

KGUN9 news2015.10.8---物联网技术
Expected to grow to a $24 billion dollar industry, the Internet of Things (IoT) is ready to move in. From lights that know the weather to refrigerators that can remind you to pick up milk, virtually everything in your home will connect to the Internet to help save you time and money and simplify more of your day. We’ve rounded up a handful of the latest connected innovations, and tech guru Brett Larson is on hand to show/tell and demo the latest.
预计将增长到$24个十亿美元的产业,物联网(IOT),互联网是准备在移动。从这知道天气的冰箱,可以提醒你拿起牛奶灯,几乎一切都在你的家将连接到互联网帮您节省时间和金钱,更简化你的一天。我们已经杀进了一把的最新连接的创新和技术大师布雷特·拉尔森,手头上显示/告诉我们,演示最新的。 to a $24 billion dollar industry, the Internet of Things (IoT) is ready to move in. From lights that know

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