Investors Trading Academy财经日历---2015.11.2~11.6

Investors Trading Academy财经日历---2015.11.2~11.6
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy economic calendar of the week. Each week our news analysts review the upcoming economic events that you should be monitoring. As the new month begins traders are getting ready to book year end profits. Traders will be aggressively looking for action pushing volumes higher than usual before things slow down for the holiday season. With most central bank meetings behind and the next meeting not scheduled until December which will make economic data key to trading. A busy week lies ahead of us, both in economic and corporate terms.
PMIs from around the world, covering both manufacturing and services, will provide plenty of fuel for those assessing whether various parts of the global economy are going forward or backwards. While it is probably too early to see the impact of the recent Chinese rate cut in the China PMIs this week, but any signs of improvement here will allay concerns. The Federal Reserve kept rates unchanged, but the tweaks to the statement suggest that December is now fractionally more ‘live’ where possible rate increases are concerned than it was a week ago. However, data needs to pick up considerably before the market really begins to think more seriously about a move at the final meeting of the year. The week kicks off on Sunday in China when the National Bureau of Statistics releases the purchasing manager indexes for both manufacturing and the services sectors. The data is effectively ancient history following stimulus measures employed by the central bank.
On Monday, the private sector variant of China’s manufacturing purchasing manager’s index from Caixin will be issued. And on Wednesday Caixin will issue its services purchasing managers index. Eurozone manufacturing PMI will be release for individual countries as well as the overall Eurozone. Also the UK numbers will be release.
In the US, the week begins on Monday with the release of the ISM manufacturing index. Economists expect that the index eased from 50.2 to 49.7. Interesting the final reading of the competing Markit purchasing managers index for October is also issued and the preliminary reading was a lot higher than the ISM index at 54.0. On Tuesday the Reserve Bank meets to decide interest rate settings. And for the first time in six months, a decision to cut rates is being seriously entertained.
Wednesday will see the ADP private jobs data from the US a leading indicator for the Nonfarm payroll report. The release of the monthly US jobs report on Friday will be very closely watched; given it will be the second to last report before the Federal Reserve´s next policy meeting in December. 152K jobs are forecast to have been created, up from 142K last month, and while the unemployment rate is expected to tick up to 5.2% from 5.1%. Average hourly earnings are forecast to rise by 0.2% from 0% MoM.
Second in importance will be Thursday´s Bank of England monetary policy committee decision on rates, accompanied by the latest meeting minutes and Inflation Report.
Scattered throughout the week are the standard new month data releases including Eurozone retail sales, Australian employment numbers as well as Canadian jobs data.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
来自世界各地,覆盖制造业和服务业采购经理人指数左右,将提供充足的燃料,这些评估全球经济的各个部分是否前进或后退。虽然它可能是太早了,看近期中国利率本周下调了中国采购经理人指数的影响,但任何好转的迹象,这里将消除顾虑。美联储宣布维持利率不变,但调整的声明表明,十二月现在分数更“活”在可能的加息担心比它是一个星期前。然而,数据需求回暖明显之前,市场真的开始想更认真思考的举动在今年的最后一次会议。 本周上周日揭幕的中国统计的时候,国家统计局公布的制造业和服务行业的采购经理指数。该数据是由中央银行采用有效的古代历史以下刺激措施。 周一,从财私营部门变种中国制造业采购经理人指数将发行。而在周三财新会发出它的服务业采购经理人指数。
周三将看到的ADP民间就业数据来自美国的非农就业报告的先行指标。上周五美国月度就业报告的发布将会非常密切关注;鉴于这将是第二次在12月联邦Reserve's政策会议前的最后一次报告。 152K工作预计将被创建,从142K最后一个月,而失业率预计将打勾高达5.2%,5.1%。平均时薪预计0.2%,0%,环比上升。

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