ARIRANG NEWS2015.11.11---11.11中国光棍节网购潜力

ARIRANG NEWS2015.11.11---11.11中国光棍节网购潜力
It′s Singles′ Day in China, in other words: the biggest online shopping day in the world.
Thousands of Chinese online consumers are clicking away before the day is up... and THIS is prompting Korean exporters to customize marketing strategies - at least for today - for the Chinese local market. Our Shin Se-min has this story. It was an impressive start.
E-commerce giant Alibaba Group logged over three-point-nine billion U.S. dollars in the first hour of China′s Singles′ Day.
And the mega-retailer′s total gross merchandise volume keeps on climbing,... as the 24-hour deadline approaches. November 11th, eleven-eleven, started out as an obscure event in the 1990s,… where the country′s bachelors and the bachelorettes celebrated being single.
But in 2009, Alibaba turned it into an e-commerce phenomenon,… with sales reaching nearly 9-billion dollars last year, all through online shopping.
It′s much like the U.S.′ Cyber Monday or Black Friday,… except the size of Singles′ Day sales is FOUR-TIMES that of Cyber Monday.
On this day last year,… Alibaba raked in total sales worth over 10-trillion won,… or eight-point-six billion dollars,… which is 100 times more than what all Korean online retailers combined have made in China in the past five years.
″China′s online retail market only takes up 10-percent of the entire domestic market,… a minimal portion for now. But the speed of growth is so fast it′s hard to predict.″
Ranging from electronic goods to clothing,… the sales event also brings in over five-thousand overseas brand from 25 countries,… including Korea, U.S. and Japan. It′s one of the better ways to publicize Korean brands to some 20-percent of the world′s entire population online,... during a 24-hour window.
″In order to turn this mega-sales event into a long-term opportunity,... local exporters need to better come up with marketing tactics targeting specific age groups, mostly those in their 20s and 30s,... and particular regions.″
″With China rebalancing its economy to one based on consumer spending,... following its slowing economic growth,... it has become much clearer,... that Korean exporters... mulling over options to restructure their export strategies should put heavier emphasis on shipping consumer goods to China.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.″

成千上万的中国在线消费者都马上点击前一天起来......这是促使韩国出口商定制营销战略 - 至少在今天 - 为中国本土市场。 我们的申世民都有这样的故事。
11月11日一一一一年,开始作为一个不起眼的事件在20世纪90年代,...所在国的单身汉和bachelorettes庆祝单身。 但在2009年,阿里巴巴把它变成一个电子商务的现象,...销售额去年达到近9十亿美元,全部通过网上购物。
“为了将这一大型销售活动进入一个长期的机会,...本地出口商需要更好地拿出针对特定年龄组,主要是那些在20多岁和30岁,...和特定区域的营销策略。 “

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