Beach TV CSULB2015.11.24---Virgin Galactic:航天与企业的未来

Beach TV CSULB2015.11.24---Virgin Galactic :航天与企业的未来
William J. Pomerantz, @Pomerantz Vice President for Special Projects for Virgin Galactic @virgingalactic, and Michael E. Solt, Dean for the College of Business Administration, @csulbcba explore how the forces of the aerospace industry affect the College of Business Administration (CBA) community. Richard Franzi @CEOPEERGROUPS of Critical Mass Radio leads the discussion and explores the concept of curiosity to better understand the role it plays in one's life and professional career.
威廉·J·波梅兰茨,@Pomerantz副总裁特别项目的维珍银河@virgingalactic,和迈克尔·SOLT,院长工商管理学院,@csulbcba探索航空业的力量如何影响工商管理学院(CBA ) 社区。临界质量电台的理查德·弗兰西@CEOPEERGROUPS引导讨论和探索的好奇心来更好地了解它在人的生活和职业生涯中扮演的角色的概念。

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