【IoT】 Chris White :物联网体验时代的曙光

【IoT】 Chris White :物联网体验时代的曙光
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. “Internet of Everything” will have the biggest transition wave ever in technology world in our life time, says Chris White. In this simple yet eye opening narrative, Chris White shares with us how and why we are going to witness one of the world's most impactful changes.
Credit: all images belong to the speaker
Chris is a passionate global change agent that believes in the power of diversity, teamwork, collaboration and the leverage of technology and partnerships to impact and improve the way we work, live, play and learn. An 18 year Cisco veteran he is currently Senior Vice President of Cisco’s Internet of Everything (IOE) strategy and sales globally. He lives in southern California with his wife Trish of 23 years, their daughter Elle 12 and son Alec 15. We are entering an era of hyper connectivity where 99% of the things on this planet are not connected to the internet. He believes strongly that correctly used this can have a tremendous positive impact on our lives and the planet, this past year he has formed a global team at Cisco and with various global partnerships in the public and private sector to accelerate the positive impact of the Internet of Things.
本讲座在当地TEDx活动被赋予独立的TED会议产生。 “互联网的一切”将有史以来规模最大的过渡波技术的世界在我们的生活的时候,克里斯说白。在这个简单而眼开的叙述,克里斯·怀特与我们分享如何以及为什么我们将见证世界上最有影响力的变化之一。
Chris是一个充满激情的全球性变革代理人信奉的多样性,团队精神,协作的力量和技术合作伙伴关系的杠杆作用来影响和改善我们的工作方式,生活,娱乐和学习。 18年思科的老将,他目前是思科公司的网络一切(IOE)的战略和全球销售的高级副总裁。他住在南加州与他的妻子23岁崔西,他们的女儿艾丽12和儿子亚历克15.我们正在进入超连接,其中99%在这个星球上的东西没有连接到互联网的时代。他坚定地认为,正确使用这可能会对我们的生活产生了巨大的积极影响和地球,在过去的一年,他已经形成了一个全球性的团队,思科与公共和私营部门的各种全球性伙伴关系,以加快互联网的积极影响物联网。

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