
Offering Multiple Launch Rocket System firepower on a wheeled chassis, the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System is the newest member of the MLRS launcher family. HIMARS carries a single six-pack of GMLRS rockets or one TACMS missile on the Army's Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) 5-ton truck, and can launch the entire MLRS family of munitions. It was successfully combat-tested in Operation Iraqi Freedom. HIMARS is C-130 transportable and can be deployed into areas previously inaccessible to heavier launchers. It also incorporates the self-loading, autonomous features that have made MLRS the premier rocket artillery system in the world. The HIMARS fire control system, electronics and communications units are interchangeable with the existing MLRS M270A1 launcher, and the crew and training are the same.
Learn more at www.lockheedmartin.com/himars
提供多管火箭炮系统火力轮式底盘上,高机动火箭炮系统是多管火箭炮发射器家族的最新成员。 HIMARS携带一个六包GMLRS火箭弹或陆军中型战术车辆(FMTV)5吨的卡车之一TACMS导弹,并且可以启动整个MLRS家族弹药。它成功地在伊拉克自由行动打击测试。 HIMARS是C-130运输和可以部署到地区以前无法进入到重发射。它还采用了自动装弹,已经取得了MLRS首屈一指的火箭炮系统在世界上的自治功能。该HIMARS的火控系统,电子和通信单元可与现有的MLRS M270A1发射台,船员培训是相同的。

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