Talks at Google2015.11.12---Jerry Kaplan :人类不需要财​​富和工作在人工智能的时代

Talks at Google2015.11.12---Jerry Kaplan :人类不需要财​​富和工作在人工智能时代
Serial entrepreneur, and futurist Jerry Kaplan visited Google’s office in Kirkland, WA on Nov. 4, 2015 to discuss his book: “Humans Need Not Apply A Guide to Wealth and Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”.
The common wisdom about Artificial Intelligence is that we are building increasingly intelligent machines that will ultimately surpass human capabilities, steal our jobs, possibly even escape human control and take over the world. This narrative is both misguided and counterproductive. A more appropriate framing–better supported by actual events and current trends—is that AI is simply a natural expansion of longstanding efforts to automate tasks, dating back at least to the start of the industrial revolution. Stripping the field of its gee-whiz apocalyptic gloss makes it easier to predict the likely benefits and pitfalls of this important technology. AI has the potential to usher in a new age of affluence and leisure, but it’s likely to roil labor markets and increase inequality unless we address these pressing societal problems. The robots are certainly coming, but whether they will benefit society as a whole or serve the needs of the few is very much in doubt. Join Jerry Kaplan for an unorthodox tour of the history of Artificial Intelligence, learn why it is so misunderstood, and what we can do to ensure that the engines of progress don’t motor on without us.
关于人工智能共同的看法是,我们正在建立越来越多的智能机,这将最终超越人类的能力,偷走了我们的工作,甚至可能逃脱人类的控制和接管世界。这种叙事既是错误的,适得其反。一个更合适的框架,更好地实际事件和当前支持的趋势,就是AI简直是长期的努力,自动执行任务,至少可以追溯到工业革命开始的一个自然扩展。剥离其哎呀,飕飕世界末日光泽的领域可以更容易地预测可能带来的好处和这一重要技术缺陷。 AI在富裕和休闲的新时代迎来的潜力,但它很可能搅动劳动力市场,增加不平等,除非我们解决这些紧迫的社会问题。该机器人肯定是来了,但他们是否会惠及整个社会和服务于少数人的需求是非常值得怀疑。加入杰里卡普兰对人工智能的历史的非正统之旅,了解为什么它是如此的误解,而且我们能做些什么,以确保进步的引擎就不会电机上没有我们。

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