【 Time Machine】哈勃时间机器

【 Time Machine】哈勃时间机器
For episode 68 of the Hubblecast, Hubble transforms into more than just a telescope — it becomes a time machine! How can Hubble "look back in time" to see the Universe as it was billions of years ago? Dr. J explores the vast scale of our Universe, explaining how Hubble can be used to grasp cosmic distances, view very distant galaxies, and even explore our own past.
对于Hubblecast的插曲68,哈勃转换成不仅仅是一个望远镜 - 它成為一個時間機器!如何哈勃“的時候回頭看”,看宇宙,因為它是數十億年前?J博士探索我們的宇宙的巨大規模,哈勃解釋如何使用要把握宇宙的距離,查看非常遙遠的星系,甚至探索我們自己的過

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