【 Time Machine】Frederic Kaplan: 如何建立一个信息时间机器

【 Time Machine】Frederic Kaplan: 如何建立一个信息时间机器
Imagine if you could surf Facebook ... from the Middle Ages. Well, it may not be as far off as it sounds. In a fun and interesting talk, researcher and engineer Frederic Kaplan shows off the Venice Time Machine, a project to digitize 80 kilometers of books to create a historical and geographical simulation of Venice across 1000 years. (Filmed at TEDxCaFoscariU.)
试想一下,如果你可以浏览Facebook的...从中世纪。那么,它可能不会像遥远因为它的声音。在一个有趣的和有趣的谈话,研究人员和工程师弗雷德里克·卡普兰展示了威尼斯时间机器,一个项目,数字化80公里书籍跨越千年来创造威尼斯的历史和地理模拟。 (摄制在TEDxCaFoscariU。)

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