
It can often seem as though nations are permanent fixtures on the landscape, immovable, unchangeable, and enduring. If history has taught us one thing, it’s that nations are perfectly capable of disappearing. A number of top countries disappeared in the 20th century alone, including nations such as Astro-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and superpower U.S.S.R. Anyone expecting the 21st century to be any kinder is liable to be surprised. Here are some well known nations that (probably) won’t exist in 2115.
10. Kiribati基里巴斯
9. The Netherlands荷兰
8. The United Kingdom英国
7. Canada加拿大
6. Taiwan台湾
5. North Korea朝鲜
4. Palestine巴勒斯坦
3. Sudan苏丹
2. Haiti海地
1. Sealand西兰

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