【UAV】 無人機系統在交通和基礎設施監控

【UAV】 無人機系統在交通和基礎設施監控
The sixth presentation in the Advanced Transportation Technologies Seminar Series will be: "Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Traffic and Infrastructure Surveillance: Opportunities and Challenges," by Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Department, University of Minnesota.
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在先进运输技术系列研讨会的第六个演讲将是:“无人机系统在交通和基础设施监控:机遇与挑战”,由Demoz格布雷 - 伯尔,副教授,研究生部主任,航天工程与力学系,大学明尼苏达州。

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