【UAV】Andreas Raptopoulos: 自主飛行器運輸系統

【UAV】Andreas Raptopoulos: 自主飛行器運輸系統
A billion people in the world lack access to all-season roads. Could the structure of the internet provide a model for how to reach them? Andreas Raptopoulos of Matternet thinks so. He introduces a new type of transportation system that uses electric autonomous flying machines to deliver medicine, food, goods and supplies wherever they are needed.
有十亿人在世界上无法获得全天候的道路。难道互联网的结构,提供了一个模型,如何达到这些目标? Matternet的安德烈亚斯Raptopoulos是这样认为的。他引入了一种新类型,它采用电自主飞行器任何需要的地方提供医药,食品,商品和物资的运输系统。

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