ARIRANG NEWS2016.1.14---什麼是韓國人最關心的問題

ARIRANG NEWS2016.1.14---什麼是韓國人最關心的問題
한국 성인 불안요소 1위는 노후•2위는 취업•소득
Concerns regarding daily life vary, from studies and career choices to employment. But a survey on seven-thousand average Koreans showed that there is one topic that nearly half of the respondents have in common. Money. Or better said, chances to continue earning money. Lee Ji-won has more. What are Koreans most concerned about?
″I am most worried about my life after retirement. I haven′t been able to prepare for it.″ ″I will be graduating soon, and I am worried about finding a job.″
″My mother′s health is my biggest concern as of now.″
According to a research on some 7-thousand Koreans over 19 years old, about 25 percent of the respondents were most concerned about their post-retirement plans, while about 18 percent placed their worries on employment and income,... whereas a bit over 26 percent were concerned about other issues such as family relations. The researchers said the results reflect the current problems in the Korean economy.
″As life expectancy increased, more senior citizens now have more years to live... but with limited working time in their lives, they are pressed to reduce spending.
And such reduction in spending is one reason for the sluggish domestic demand.″
But to revitalize the economy, experts say structural reforms are not enough.
The government must work to allow the senior population more opportunities and time to earn income, such as pushing the retirement age along with expanding more loans like reverse mortgage loans to help them liquidate their assets for spending.
″The expert added... if the government′s structural reforms are successful, it will boost consumption and job creation,... easing the financial burden on the public.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.″
对于日常​​生活的关注有所不同,从研究和职业选择就业。但在七千元的平均韩国人的一项调查显示,有一个话题,近一半的受访者有共同之处。钱。或者更好说,很可能继续赚钱。利智苑有更多的。 什么是韩国人最关心的?
“随着平均寿命的增加,更多的老年人现在有更多年的生活......但在他们的生命有限的工作时间,他们被压制,以减少开支。 而这样的削减开支的原因之一内需不振。“
但是,为了振兴经济,专家表示,结构性改革是不够的。 政府必须努力使老年人口更多的机会和时间来获得收入,例如与拓展更多的贷款像反向抵押贷款,以帮助他们清理他们的资产支出推动退休年龄。

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