TestTube News2016.2.20---世界最大的公司?

TestTube News2016.2.20---世界最大的公司?

0:00In early 2016, Alphabet, Google’s recently rebranded parent company, became the biggest 0:05publicly traded company in the world, worth more than half a trillion dollars. So we wanted 0:10to know, what are some of the other biggest companies in the world? 0:15Well, according to the Forbes Global 500 list, the biggest, publicly reported company in 0:21the world, by revenue is none other than Walmart. In 2015, they reportedly brought in nearly 0:27$486 billion dollars, roughly six and a half times more than Alphabet’s Google did. That’s 0:33about the same GDP as the entire country of Norway, and would rank Walmart as the 27th 0:38largest economy in the world. Walmart is also the single largest private employer in both 0:43the United States and Mexico, with 1.4 million employees in the US. That’s about the same 0:48number as active duty personnel in the US military. The Walton family that owns the 0:53company has a combined net worth of roughly $149 billion dollars, making them the richest 0:58family in America.

1:00The next five largest companies in the world are Petroleum Refiners. These are China’s 1:04Sigh-no-pec Group, Royal Dutch Shell, China National Petroleum, America’s Exxonmobil, 1:09and British Petroleum. Their revenues combined equal the entire GDP of India, which at 2 1:15trillion dollars is the 9th largest in the world. But the past year of free falling oil 1:20prices has seen all of these companies post lower revenues than in previous years. Missing 1:25from the Forbes Global 500 list is Saudi Ah-ram-coh, as they do not fully disclose their worth 1:30or revenue. However, the state-owned company, is considered the largest in the world by 1:34value, which some estimates place as high as $10 trillion dollars. As the de facto leader 1:39of OPEC, and with the second largest oil reserves in the world, Saudi Arabia’s oil company 1:44is massive. 1:46But historically, none of these come close to the the Dutch East India Company. It was 1:50the first ever publicly traded company, worth trillions of dollars, adjusted for inflation. 1:55It was effectively a multinational shipping conglomerate with a monopoly on the Dutch 1:59spice trade. However, they were more of a functional government than just a shipping

2:03service. Within a few decades they were able to operate a military, fight in wars, try, 2:08and execute prisoners, and they even had their own coinage system. After nearly 200 years 2:13of operation, changes in shipping needs, and widespread corruption led to the company’s 2:18downfall. 2:18It is actually harder than it may seem to evaluate the biggest companies in the world. 2:23Some dominate by their massive revenues, or huge market value. Others are obvious frontrunners 2:28in new technologies, or necessary commodities like energy. But in the future, as companies 2:33continue to consolidate, massive conglomerates are likely to only get larger. 2:37If you’re looking to start your own company, you’re going to need a good website. Lucky 2:41for you, this episode is brought to you by our friends at Squarespace. They can help 2:45you build a unique website. They’ll give you a free domain name when you sign up for 2:49a year, and if you type “TestTube” at checkout, you’ll get an extra 10% off. Squarespace... 2:54you should. 2:55Companies obviously don’t have to be big to be incredibly powerful. Check out our playlist 2:58to learn more about the strength of different companies, including Facebook. Thanks for

3:19watching TestTube News! don’t forget to hit the subscribe button to watch new videos 3:24every day.

0:00在2016年年初,字母,谷歌的最近更名母公司,成为最大 0:05上市公司,在全球总值超过五千亿美元。所以我们希望 0:10要知道,有哪些其他的一些最大的公司在世界上的? 0:15那么,根据福布斯全球500强名单,最大的,公开报道公司 0:21世界上,按收入比沃尔玛莫属。 2015年,据报道,他们几乎把 0:27 $的486十亿美元,大约6个半倍以上,字母的谷歌一样。这是 0:33大约在同一GDP作为挪威的整个国​​家,并会排沃尔玛作为第27个 0:38在世界上最大的经济体。沃尔玛也是同时在单一最大的私人雇主 0:43美国和墨西哥,拥有140万员工,在美国。这是差不多的 0:48数作为现役军人的美军。沃尔顿家族拥有该 0:53公司拥有的净资产总额大约$ 149十亿美元,使它们成为最富有 0:58家人在美国。

1:00未来五年最大的公司在世界上石油精炼。这些都是中国的 1:04叹了口气,没有PEC集团,荷兰皇家壳牌公司,中国石油,美国埃克森美孚 1:09和英国石油公司。他们的收入相结合等于印度的国内生产总值整体,这在2 1:15万亿美元是世界第九大。但自由落体油在过去的一年 1:20价格已经看到了所有这些公司比前几年降低后的收入。失踪 1:25从福布斯全球500强名单是沙特阿夯COH,因为他们没有完全披露自己的价值 1:30或收入。但是,国有企业,被认为是在世界上最大的 1:34值,其中一些估计认为高达$ 10个万亿美元。作为事实上的领导者 1:39欧佩克,并与第二大石油储量在世界上,沙特阿拉伯的石油公司 1:44是巨大的。 1:46但是,从历史上看,这些都不接近的荷兰东印度公司。它是 1:50首次公开上市的公司,价值几万亿美元,经通胀调整。 1:55这是一个有效的跨国航运集团与荷兰垄断 1:59香料贸易。然而,他们不仅仅是一个运输更多的是政府职能的

2:03服务。短短数十年,他们能够操作军队,在战争中战斗,尝试, 2:08并执行囚犯,他们甚至有自己的铸币体系。经过近200年 2:13操作中,航运需求的变化,以及普遍存在的腐败现象导致了该公司的 2:18倒台。 2:18它实际上是难度比它似乎在世界上最大的公司评估。 2:23一些主导其庞大的收入,或巨大的市场价值。其他人则明显的领跑者 2:28在新的技术,或者像能源所需商品。但在未来,随着公司 2:33继续巩固,大规模的集团很可能只得到更大。 2:37如果你正在寻找开始自己的公司,你会需要一个很好的网站。幸运 2:41对你来说,这个情节是在Squarespace给您带来由我们的朋友。他们可以帮助 2:45你建立一个独特的网站。他们会给你一个免费域名,当您注册 2:49一年的时间,如果您结账时输入“使用TestTube”,你会得到一个额外的10折优惠。 Squarespace ... 2:54你应该。 2:55公司显然不具备成为大是令人难以置信的强大。看看我们的播放列表 2:58更多地了解不同的公司,包括Facebook的实力。感谢

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