The Daily Conversation2016.2.5---中國未來大型項目(第8/港珠澳大橋)

The Daily Conversation2016.2.5---中國未來大型項目(第8/港珠澳大橋)
Hong Kong and Shenzhen are each racing to finish multi-billion dollar mega-bridges across the Pearl River Delta to take advantage of inexpensive land and labor costs on the western side.

0:01The final megaproject featured in our series perfectly highlights both China’s ongoing 0:05struggle to maintain its unprecedented growth, and the unbelievable ambition that’s fueling 0:11its rise. 0:12A constant challenge for most big cities is that there’s only so much land to build 0:16on. For Hong Kong and Shenzhen - two neighboring metropolises with a total population of nearly 0:2120 million - the boundary it’s running into is water. Specifically, the Pearl River Delta, 0:28which separates the uber-populated eastern corridor from the far lesser populated cities 0:33of Macau and Zhuhai on its western shore. 0:36Today, to get to Macau (Ma-Cow) after landing at Hong Kong International airport, you are 0:40faced with either a four hour drive around the mouth of the delta, or a long ferry ride 0:46through frequently rough waters. 0:48But that’s about to change, thanks to a $17 billion six-lane, multi-part bridge that 0:54will cut the trip down to a 45 minute drive. 0:57It is an incredibly complex project, and includes cost and construction sharing agreements between

1:02mainland China and its special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau. 1:07Inspired by both the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel in the US and the Øresund Bridge that connects 1:13Denmark and Sweden, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge will not only have to withstand typhoons, 1:19but to avoid cutting off one of the world’s busiest shipping routes into Hong Kong and 1:24its unusually deep natural harbor it will plunge underwater as a tunnel. And at 28km, 1:31its longest stretch will be as if 15 Golden Gate bridges were lined up end-to-end-to-end-to-end. 1:39And that’s not even the craziest part. Because Shenzhen doesn’t want to be left out, it 1:44too will build a megabridge across the delta just a few miles to the north. 1:50Basically, the region is booming so fast, and competition to tap into the cheaper land 1:55and labor available on the western side is so great, that Shenzhen and Hong Kong have

2:00both committed to building multi-billion dollar megabridges, and will essentially race to 2:06see who finishes theirs first. 2:08As you can see from a close look at the map, cities with populations totaling more than 2:1340 million people surrounding the delta, thus revealing the master plan: to lay the foundation 2:19for China’s second megalopolis, an urban area that could eventually exceed 100 million 2:24residents. 2:25We started this video with Jing-Jin-Ji, and we’re ending it with what I’m calling 2:30Hong-Guang-Zhong. Two megalopolises, each serving as perfect bookends to our story of 2:36China, a country that is counting on infrastructure megaprojects like those we’re profiled to 2:41serve as the foundation for its rapid urbanization. But how well it manages that urbanization 2:47will largely define whether it continues its ambitious rise for the rest of the 21st century. 2:54Thanks for watching. And please hit that like button to share this topic of conversation 2:57with your friends and followers if you found it as interesting as I did, and subscribe 3:02if you haven’t yet to this channel. Until next time, for TDC, I’m Bryce Plank.

0:01在我们的系列特色的大型项目最终完美地突出了中国正在进行 0:05努力保持其前所未有的增长,而这助长了令人难以置信的雄心 0:11它的崛起。 0:12对于大多数大城市的一项持续的挑战是,有只建这么多土地 0:16上。对于香港和深圳 - 两次与近总人口的大都市周边 0:21 2000万 - 这是运行到边界是水。具体而言,珠三角, 0:28分隔从遥远的人口较少的城市尤伯杯填充东区走廊 0:33澳门和珠海在它的西部海岸。 0:36如今,降落在香港国际机场后,前往澳门(马牛),你是 0:40面对无论是周围的三角口四个小时的车程,或长时间乘坐渡轮 0:46通过频繁的惊涛骇浪。 0:48但是,这是即将改变,得益于$ 17日十亿六车道,多部分桥 0:54将削减一趟下来要45分钟车程。 0:57这是一个非常复杂的工程,包括之间的成本和施工共享协议

1:02中国大陆和香港,澳门的特别行政区。 1:07双方切萨皮克湾大桥,隧道在美国和连接厄勒海峡大桥的启发 1:13丹麦和瑞典,港珠澳大桥将不仅要承受台风, 1:19但要避免切断世界上最繁忙的航线之一,香港和 1:24其不同寻常的天然深水港将投身水下的隧道。而距28km, 1:31它的最长的一段就好像是15金门桥列队终端到终端到终端到终端。 1:39而这甚至不是最疯狂的一部分。由于深圳不希望被排除在外,它 1:44也将建成特大桥横跨三角洲只有几英里以北。 1:50基本上,该地区正在蓬勃发展如此之快,竞争进军廉价土地 1:55和劳工可在西侧是如此之大,深圳和香港有

2:00双方致力于打造数十亿美元的megabridges,并且将主要以比赛 2:06看看谁完成他们的第一次。 2:08正如你可以从地图上仔细看看到,随着城市的人口总额超过 2:13 4000万人周边三角洲,从而揭示了总体规划:打好基础 2:19为中国的第二大都市,市区,最终可能突破1亿 2:24居民。 2:25我们开始这个视频京津冀,我们正在与我打电话是什么结局呢 2:30洪广钟。两个特大城市,每个作为完美的书挡我们的故事 2:36中国,即基础设施大型项目指望像我们异形一个国家 2:41作为其城市化快速发展的基础。但是,它如何妥善管理,城市化 2:47将在很大程度上确定是否继续在21世纪余下的雄心勃勃的崛起。 2:54感谢收看。并请猛击像按钮分享谈话的这个话题 2:57与您的朋友和追随者,如果你发现它有趣,像我一样,和订阅 3:02如果你还没有这个渠道。直到下一次,为TDC,我布莱斯木板。

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