The Daily Conversation2016.2.2---中國未來大型項目(第7/核電站)

The Daily Conversation2016.2.2---中國未來大型項目(第7/核電站)
發佈日期:2016年2月3日 China will rapidly expand its nuclear energy production over the next 15 years as part of an all-of-the-above energy push to meet its people's insatiable demand for electricity.

0:01Another answer is nuclear power, which is much less controversial in China because of 0:05its prodigious demand for electricity--and the inability of its people to mount any real 0:10challenges to the government’s plans. 0:13Mainland China currently has 31 nuclear power reactors in operation, and another 24 under 0:19construction. Compare this to the United States, which has 99 commercial reactors overall, 0:25supplying about 20% of its electricity needs. However, the US currently has plans to build 0:31just five more reactors--as it’s instead choosing to embrace natural gas, wind and 0:36solar power. 0:38Even France -- who leads the world by generating 3/4 of its electricity from nuclear -- is 0:43moving away from the technology, and will likely close nearly half its nuclear power 0:47plants in the next decade. 0:49The Fukushima accident in Japan, after the devastating earthquake there, also accelerated 0:54the world’s break up with nuclear power, even causing China to briefly suspend new 0:58projects. But while the rest of the world turns its back on nuclear energy, China is

1:02doing the opposite, more than quadrupling its nuclear capacity by 2030. The marquee 1:08project is the Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant in Shandong province, which will eventually 1:13house eight AP1000 Westinghouse pressurized water reactors for a total capacity of 8,800 1:20MegaWatts--four times more power than is generated by the Hoover Dam, a power station that provides 1:26electricity for 8 million people in the American Southwest. And when you factor in that the 1:31average home in China uses a fraction of what an American home uses, the Haiyang plant will 1:35end up producing enough electricity for tens of millions of people. 1:39But the $13 billion project is only the most powerful of the 13 different nuclear power 1:44plants currently under construction across China--nine of which will have a maximum capacity 1:50of more than 6,000 MW. 1:53Most are near large cities where power is needed most, but this strategy raises concerns 1:58that if there were an accident, tens of millions of residents could be exposed to dangerous

2:03radiation. 2:04The neighboring Guangdong and Ling Ao nuclear power plants have 28 million people within 2:09a 75-kilometer radius, including Hong Kong. That’s many more than the 8 million who 2:15live within 75-kilometers of the San Onofre nuclear generation station in Southern California, 2:20but the decision was taken in 2013 to shut the California plant down after numerous safety 2:26concerns became known to the public--highlighting the opposite directions the two nations are 2:30heading in when it comes to nuclear power. 2:33The other issue China must deal with is how to dispose the many tons of radioactive waste 2:37it will be generating, which is always a contentious issue because no one wants that in their backyard. 2:42The current plan is for construction to commence in 2041 on a high level waste repository site 2:48in the Gobi Desert. 2:50On the whole, the danger of a costly nuclear accident that China would pay for in both 2:54blood and treasure is fairly significant, but Beijing is apparently willing to live 2:59with that risk, judging by its unrestricted embrace of nuclear power. But these are tough

3:04choices, and it’s important to keep in mind that in the age of climate change and ecological 3:09interconnectivity, nuclear power is still an infinitely cleaner alternative to burning 3:14coal. 3:15I hope you liked this video, and if you did, hit that like button to help it spread. Until 3:21next time, for TDC I’m Bryce Plank, and as usual, thanks for watching.

0:01另一个答案是核能​​,这是在中国少得多,因为争议的 0:05其对电力的需求巨大 - 和它的人民无法安装任何真正的 0:10挑战政府的计划。 0:13中国大陆目前有31运行核电反应堆,另有24下 0:19施工。与此相比,美国的,这总体有99商业反应堆, 0:25提供的电力需求约20%。然而,美国目前已规划建设 0:31短短五年以上反应器 - 因为它而是选择拥抱天然气,风能和 0:36太阳能。 0:38即使是法国 - 谁通过产生核能的发电量3/4处于世界领先地位 - 是 0:43从技术的逐渐远离,并可能会接近将近一半的核能 0:47植物在未来的十年。 0:49在日本福岛事故,破坏性地震后,也加速 0:54全球分手核电,甚至引起中国简要暂停新 0:58项目。不过,虽然世界其他国家关闭其核能源回来,中国

1:02做相反,超过2030年的选取框翻两番其核能力 1:08项目是海阳核电厂在山东省,最终 1:13房子8西屋AP1000压水堆为8800,总容量 1:20兆瓦 - 比由胡佛水坝,电站,提供了产生四倍的力量 1:26用电800万人在美国西南部。而当你的因素是, 1:31在中国普通家庭使用的是什么美国家庭使用的一小部分,海阳厂将 1:35结束了对数以千万计的人产生足够的电力。 1:39但是,$ 13十亿的项目只有最强大的13个不同的核电 1:44工厂目前正在建设中国各地 - 其中9个将有一个最大容量 1:50超过6000兆瓦。 1:53大多数是附近最需要的功率大的城市,但这一战略引起了关注 1:58如果有意外,数以千万计的居民可能会暴露在危险

2:03辐射。 2:04邻近的广东岭澳核电站拥有的28亿人 2:09 75公里半径范围,包括香港。这比800万更多的谁 2:15生活中的圣奥诺弗雷核发电站的南加州75公里, 2:20但决定是在2013年众多安全后关闭加州工厂下来 2:26担心成为为公众所知 - 突出方向相反的两个国家是 2:30当涉及到核电的标题。 2:33另一个问题中国必须处理的是如何处置的诸多吨放射性废物 2:37它会产生,这始终是一个有争议的问题,因为没有人愿意在他们的后院。 2:42目前的计划是建造于2041开始在高放废物处置库场址 2:48在戈壁滩。 2:50综合来看,昂贵的核事故的危险,中国将在这两个支付 2:54鲜血和财富是相当显著,但北京显然是愿意住 2:59与风险,通过​​核电的怀抱不受限制判断。但这些都是艰难

3:04选择,而且要记住这是很重要的气候变化和生态的时代 3:09互联互通,核电仍然是一个无限清洁的替代燃烧 3:14煤炭。 3:15我希望你喜欢这个视频,如果你这样做,打,像按钮来帮助它传播。直到 3:21接下来的时间,为TDC我布莱斯木板,和往常一样,感谢收看。

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