The Daily Conversation2016.2.3---中國未來大型項目(第6/甘肅省風電場)

The Daily Conversation2016.2.3---中國未來大型項目(第6/甘肅省風電場)
The largest wind farm in the world is being constructed in China's Gansu Province, and is one of six mega-farms going up across the country.

0:01By now you’re seeing the trend here: the world’s biggest city, the world’s longest 0:05canal, biggest airport, longest high speed rail network and underwater tunnel. So the 0:09fact that China is building the world’s largest Wind Power Farm too shouldn’t surprise 0:14you. The Gansu Wind Farm Project will produce 20 Gigawatts of power by 2020, and will cost 0:20nearly $20 billion to build. Turbines are going up at the staggering rate of 35 per 0:26day across the three areas that make up the power base. In 2012, Gansu’s capacity surpassed 0:32the total wind-generated-electricity produced by all of the United Kingdom, and it’s just 0:38the largest of six mega-wind farms currently under construction throughout China. 0:42But China isn’t embracing wind just to reduce its carbon emissions, it’s doing everything 0:48it can to simply keep the lights on. Some parts of the country with booming middle class 0:53populations suffer persistent electricity shortages because, just like us, people want 0:59refrigerators, dishwashers, washer and dryers, and computers in their homes, but there’s

1:04only so much energy to go around. 1:06So China’s State Council is pushing for an across-the-board renewable strategy to 1:11reduce its dependence on oil, coal and gas, the finite resources of the 20th century whose 1:17extraction and consumption are subject to constant geopolitical tensions. 1:22Since 2013, China has led the world in renewable energy production, with a total capacity of 1:28378 installed Gigawatts, coming from projects as wide-ranging as Gansu to hydroelectric 1:35power plants like the Three Gorges Dam, which spans the Yangtze River and is the world’s 1:40largest power station of any kind. In just the last 10 years, China has increased its 1:45solar panel production 100-fold to become the world’s leading manufacturer of the 1:51technology. 1:52With China now pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere than the number two and three emitting countries 1:57- the US and India - combined, it’s vital for the future of the planet that it continues

2:03using MegaProjects to create a lot more Megawatts of clean, green power. 2:09Thanks for watching. Click the like button to help share this video, it really helps 2:13me out. Until next time, for TDC, I’m Bryce Plank.

0:01现在,你在这里看到的趋势:世界上最大的城市,世界上最长 0:05运河,最大的机场,最长的高速铁路网络和海底隧道。所以 0:09事实上,中国正在建设世界上最大的风力发电场太不应该感到惊讶 0:14您。甘肃风电场项目将产生功率的20亿瓦,到2020年,将耗资 0:20近20个$十亿建造。在涡轮机35%的惊人速度增长拔地而起 0:26一天在三个区域进行了权力基础。 2012年,甘肃省的产能超过了 0:32总的风力发电,电力全部由英国生产的,它只是 0:38最大的目前在中国各地建6大型风电场。 0:42但中国是不是拥抱风只是为了减少碳排放,它做的一切 0:48它可以简单地保持灯。该国与蓬勃发展的中产阶级的某些部分 0:53人群遭受持续的电力短缺,因为,就像我们一样,人们希望 0:59冰箱,洗碗机,洗衣机和烘干机,并在自己家中的电脑,但有

1:04只有这么多精力去走一走。 1:06所以,中国国务院正在推动一个全面的可再生能源董事会战略 1:11减少对石油,煤炭和天然气,20世纪的的有限资源的依赖 1:17提取和消费都受到不断的地缘政治紧张。 1:22自2013年起,中国已导致在可再生能源生产的世界,以总容量 1:28 378安装吉瓦,从项目,广泛甘肃水力发电到来 1:35电厂像三峡大坝,横跨长江,是世界上 1:40任何形式的最大的电站。在刚刚过去的10年里,中国加大了 1:45太阳能电池板生产的100倍,成为世界领先的制造商 1:51技术。 1:52随着中国现在抽更多的二氧化碳进入大气层比两个数字和三个排放国 1:57 - 美国和印度 - 相结合,这是对未来的地球,它仍然至关重要

2:03使用大型项目​​创造清洁,绿色能源的更大量兆瓦。 2:09感谢收看。点击按钮一样,以帮助分享这个视频,它确实有助于 2:13我出去。直到下一次,为TDC,我布莱斯木板。

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