Business Insider2016.3.11---2016年世界上最強大的領導人

Business Insider2016.3.11---2016年世界上最強大的領導人
Eurasia Group founder and president Ian Bremmer breaks down the most powerful leaders in the world for 2016.

0:12most powerful leader in the world is important that was true last year it's 0:21it's true this year Putin has consolidated institutions in his country 0:26around him is enormous control but what is still a reasonably sizable economy 0:31and also one of the world's largest military's one guy makes the decisions 0:36second most powerful leader in the world today 0:39of China world's second-largest economy building up their military consolidating 0:46control under himself and I gotta say after 35 years of 10% on average growth 0:51in China developed by the state the patriotism in China's pretty high and 0:55she's in pain has become a significant beneficiary is reasonably charismatic 0:59these kinda tall but aside from that people like him

1:03number 3 I'm gonna go with Mahendra Modi you got a country of over a billion 1:10people have been underperforming for decades he won with a massive landslide 1:14in India first strategy that's working all over the world is built up an 1:19extraordinary relationship with japan he's got all sorts of countries that are 1:24saying we now want to invest after saying for decades that they want to 1:28have nothing to do with India is also performing at home the fact that India's 1:32actually finally here is due almost single-handedly 1:36Andrew moti and I think he deserves the three spot as a consequence number 4 I'm 1:42going to go with uncle and Merkel chancellor of germany her popularity has 1:48taken an enormous tumble because of the volkswagen scandal and the refugee 1:52crisis there's no question but still fact is you know she still leader party 1:57leads the coalition still is sticking with we need to do more for refugees

2:02when no one else is supporting our outside of Germany but this is going to 2:06be an impossible year for Merkel at the end of the year she's gonna be doing a 2:10lot worse but for now the number four slot number 5 I'm gonna go with Japanese 2:15Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 2:18his popularity has slipped but nonetheless he runs the liberal 2:21democratic party at with pretty direct control got a lot of loyalty the area's 2:25loyalty from many the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry which is the 2:29most important ministry the japanese government has loyalty for the private 2:32sector to Ave nominates continuing the fact that he actually named the policy 2:36after himself you know do that in Japan Japan your modest you get destroyed by 2:40Godzilla everyone has gotten away with it 2:43furthermore the Japanese population is shrinking the not gonna bring in 2:47immigrants and they're not going to have more babies so that means that if you 2:51want the japanese economy to grow you gotta go out you got to invest bob is 2:55doing it pretty good story at the end of the day he deserves our five spot most 2:59powerful leaders in the world today

3:02wild card if you want to have someone that's not actually running anything 3:05he's not running a country that deserves to be on the list how about Pope Francis 3:09he talks about the issues no one will talk about inequality he's climate 3:14change he's single-handedly revitalizing one of the most anti progressive 3:18institutions in the world and as a human being he's extraordinarily aspirational 3:22he might even be taking on the mantle of nelson mandela now that mandela's gon 3:27who woulda thought the head of the Catholic Church could do that he 3:30deserves an asterisk are spotted most powerful T

0:12世界上最强大的领导者是非常重要的是真的,去年它的 0:21这是真的,今年普京在他的国家巩固机构 0:26他的周围是巨大的控制,但还有什么是一个相当可观的经济 0:31也是世界上最大的军队的一个人之一作决定 0:36在当今世界上第二个最强大的领导者 0:39中国世界第二大经济体建立他们的军事巩固 0:46根据自己和我控制得后平均增长35年的10%的人说 0:51在中国国家开发在中国的相当高和爱国主义 0:55她在痛苦已经成为一个显著受益人是相当有魅力 0:59这些高大的还挺但除了人们喜欢他

1:03 3号我会去马亨德拉莫迪你有超过十亿的国家 1:10人们一直表现不佳的几十年来,他有大规模山体滑坡获得 1:14在这的工作世界各地的印度第一种策略是建立了一个 1:19与日本的关系非同寻常他得到了那些国家的种种 1:24他说我们现在要说法了几十年之后的投资,他们希望 1:28什么都没有做与印度也执行在家里的事实,印度的 1:32实际上终于在这里是因为几乎单枪匹马 1:36安德鲁·莫蒂,我觉得他应该得到三个点作为一个后果4号我 1:42要去德国的叔叔和默克尔总理她的知名度有 1:48注意,因为大众丑闻和难民的巨大翻滚 1:52危机毫无疑问,但仍然事实你知道她还​​是党领袖 1:57导致联军仍然坚持用,我们需要做更多的难民 2:02当没有其他人在支持我们的德国以外,但是这是怎么回事

2:06对于默克尔不可能一年一年她会做一月底 2:10差了很多,但对于现在的数四插槽号5我要去日本 2:15首相安倍晋三 2:18他的声望有所下滑,但他仍然运行在宽松 2:21在漂亮的直接控制民主党得到了很多忠诚的地区 2:25从经济产业的许多部忠诚这是 2:29最重要的部委,日本政府对私忠 2:32部门提名大道继续的事实,他居然叫政策 2:36经过本人你们知道,在日本你谦虚你被摧毁 2:40哥斯拉每个人都有侥幸成功 2:43此外,日本的人口正在萎缩的不是要引进 2:47移民和他们不会有更多的孩子,这样意味着如果你 2:51希望日本经济增长,你得出去你有投资鲍勃 2:55这样做相当不错的故事在这一天结束时,他值得我们五点最 2:59在当今世界权势的领导人

3:02外卡,如果你想有一个人,这不是实际运行任何东西 3:05他没有运行不愧为清单上怎么样方济各的国家 3:09他谈到了问题没有人会谈论他的不平等的气候 3:14改变他的一己之力振兴最反进步之一 3:18机构在世界上作为一个人,他是非常抱负 3:22他甚至可能承担纳尔逊·曼德拉的衣钵,现在曼德拉的坤 3:27谁的woulda认为天主教会的负责人能做到这一点,他 3:30值得一星号发现最强大的牛逼

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