TestTube News2016.3.12---如果朝鮮和美國開戰?

TestTube News2016.3.12---如果朝鮮和美國開戰?

0:04Following alleged nuclear weapon tests by North Korea in January of 2016, the United 0:08Nations and South Korea have imposed strict sanctions on the country, and warned dictator 0:12Kim Jong Un against further nuclear development. That same week, the North Korean leader threatened 0:17to release a “pre-emptive nuclear strike of justice" at both South Korea and the United 0:22States. Such a threat could allegedly provide the basis for a legal declaration of war against 0:27North Korea, and made us want to know: What would happen if the United States and North 0:32Korea went to war? 0:34Well, historically, the countries have been lifelong enemies. The United States was instrumental 0:38in the post-World War Two division of Korea, with the US backing South Korea’s development, 0:43and Russia backing North Korea. Since then, the US and South Korea have maintained a mutual 0:48defense treaty, meaning that in case of aggression, the two countries will back each other against 0:53an aggressor. 0:54In fact, military alliances are where North Korea suffers the most. With very few exceptions, 0:59most notably Russia and China, North Korea has no real allies. Moreover, even Russia

1:04and China would be hard pressed to go to war with the United States over a relatively weak 1:09and unstable country. It may be more accurate to describe them as friendly mediators than 1:14actual, defensive military allies. 1:17So with little to no support, how does North Korea fare on its own? Well, militarily it’s 1:22a mixed bag. On the one hand, the country’s military dictatorship means that nearly all 1:26eligible citizens would be included in their troop count. That’s an estimated 5 million 1:31active troops, plus another 5 million fit for service through mandatory conscription. 1:35By comparison, the US has only about two and a half million active troops. Unfortunately 1:41for North Korea, that’s where their military superiority ends. 1:43There is no question that the United States operates the most expensive and modern military 1:48on the face of the earth. The biggest reason the US doesn’t have as many troops as North 1:52Korea is that they don’t need them. Against technology like fighter drones, smart bombs, 1:57and billions of dollars worth of tanks, jets, and battleships, North Korea’s outdated,

2:01underfunded, and faulty Soviet-era equipment doesn’t stand a chance. Their annual defense 2:06budget is estimated around 7.5 billion dollars, while the US spends more than 77 times that 2:12on defense. 2:13And while North Korea does have a slight edge of unpredictability concerning their nuclear 2:17capabilities, realistically they’ve got fewer than ten, crude nuclear bombs. Even 2:22one nuclear weapon seems like a big deal, but North Korea’s nuclear program is believed 2:27to still be in its infancy, and largely ineffective. By comparison, the United States possesses 2:32more than 7,000 nukes, located all around the world. This is alongside a powerful missile 2:38defense system which would likely destroy a North Korean missile before it ever reached 2:42the US. In the end, there is almost no way for a North Korean attack to end favorably 2:47for North Korea. Kim Jong Un is undoubtedly aware of this, which explains why the country 2:52regularly threatens to attack but has never actually done it, and likely never will. 2:57But while North Korea may stand alone politically, that doesn’t mean they don’t have any

3:01trade or diplomatic allies at all. Find out which countries support North Korea by watching 3:06this video up top. Or you can get a bird’s eye view at North Korea’s military and economic 3:10strength by watching this video below. Thanks for checking out Test Tube News, don’t forget 3:14to like and subscribe for new videos every day.

0:04继朝鲜涉嫌核武器试验在一月份的2016年,美国 0:08联合国和韩国都对这个国家实行严格的制裁,并警告独裁者 0:12金正恩对进一步发展核武器。同一周,朝鲜领导人威胁 0:17发布在韩国和美国是“正义的一次打击” 0:22状态。这种威胁可能涉嫌战争对一个法律声明,提供了基础 0:27朝鲜,搞得我们想知道:会发生什么,如果美国和北美 0:32韩国去打仗? 0:34那么,从历史上看,国家一直一生的敌人。美国是器乐 0:38在韩国的战后两个事业部,与美国支持韩国的发展, 0:43俄罗斯支持朝鲜。此后,美国和韩国都保持着相互 0:48防御条约,这意味着在侵略的情况下,两国将支持对方反对 0:53侵略者。 0:54事实上,军事联盟在哪里朝鲜遭受最。除了极少数例外, 0:59最明显的是俄罗斯和中国,朝鲜有没有真正的盟友。此外,即使俄罗斯

1:04和中国将很难去战争与美国在一个相对较弱 1:09和不稳定的国家。它可以是更准确的对他们描述不是作为友好介质 1:14实际的,防御性的军事盟友。 1:17因此,与很少或几乎没有支持,怎么做对自己朝鲜的票价是多少?那么,在军事上它的 1:22鱼龙混杂。在一方面,该国的军事独裁意味着几乎所有 1:26合资格的市民将被纳入他们的部队数量。这是一个大约500万 1:31活跃​​的部队,加上另外500万适用于服务,通过强制征兵。 1:35相比之下,美国只有大约两个半万活跃部队。不幸 1:41朝鲜,这就是他们的军事优势结束。 1:43没有美国工作最昂贵和最现代军事问题 1:48在地球的面貌。最大的原因,美国没有许多部队北 1:52韩国是,他们并不需要他们。对技术,如战斗机的无人机,智能炸弹, 1:57和价值数十亿美元的坦克,飞机,战舰和的,朝鲜已经过时了,

2:01资金不足和错误的苏联时代的装备不会有机会。他们的年度国防 2:06预算估计约为7.5十亿美元,而美国花费超过77倍 2:12在防守上。 2:13虽然朝鲜确实有关于其核不可预测的微弱优势领先 2:17能力,切实他们已经得到了少于十个,原油核弹。甚至 2:22一枚核武器似乎是一个大问题,但朝鲜的核计划被认为是 2:27仍然是处于起步阶段,并在很大程度上是无效的。相比之下,美国拥有 2:32 7000多个核武器,分布于世界各地。这是旁边一个强大的导弹 2:38防御系统,这将可能摧毁朝鲜导弹它曾达到前 2:42美国。最终,几乎没有办法对朝鲜攻击顺利结束 2:47朝鲜。金正云无疑是意识到了这一点,这也解释了为什么这个国家 2:52经常威胁进攻,但从来没有真正做到了,而且可能永远不会。 2:57但是,尽管朝鲜可能独立政治上,这并不意味着他们没有任何

3:01贸易或在所有外交盟友。找出哪些国家支持朝鲜通过观看 3:06这个视频往上顶。或者,你可以在朝鲜的军事和经济的鸟瞰视图 3:10通过下面观看这部影片的实力。对检查出试管新闻谢谢,不要忘了 3:14喜欢每天认购新影片。

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