Talks at Google2016.3.23---H E I D I L E E :3D打印時尚製造者”

Talks at Google2016.3.23---H E I D I L E E :3D打印時尚製造者”
Design alchemist and Silicon Valley Fashion Week participant H E I D I L E E will visit Google's The Garage to share her creative process and insights into 3D fashion making.
A RISD graduate and recipient of the 2012 Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute Accessory Design Award, H E I D I L E E is a NYC-based artist and designer whose hats have featured in VOGUE, V, Visionaire, Dazed & Confused, MTV, SHOWstudio, NYT, The Creators Project, etc. Selected exhibitions include MOSI Museum’s “3D Printing the Future” and MAD Museum’s “MAD Biennial: NYC Makers”. Her clientele range from Anne Hathaway to G-Dragon to Lady Gaga.
一个罗德岛设计学院毕业的艺术时装学院饰品设计奖的2012年大都会博物馆的收件人,HEIDILEE是纽约市的艺术家和设计师的帽子已刊登在VOGUE,V,Visionaire的,茫然与困惑,MTV,SHOWstudio,纽约时报,创想项目等部分展览包括MOSI馆的“3D打印的未来”和MAD馆的“MAD双年展:纽约庄家”。她的客户范围从安妮·海瑟薇到G-神龙的Lady Gaga。

0:00please welcome Haley so I'm happy signer and I've been fortunate enough to have a 0:11lot of success and recognition over the years here are a few of my house 0:16physicians and they were showcased at Saucon Valley Fashion Week yesterday and 0:23I want to actually bring them to you that you could see them in person on 0:28real people and thank these lovely women have been able to volunteer for you 0:33today as you can see they're pretty eye catching and there's but behind that 0:42there's a lot of thought and process that goes behind each of my stories and 0:47each of them have a narrative and story within their own right and I'd like to 0:51share them with you the first half here is the cocktail parasol hat and its 3d 0:57printed Laser Center nylon and its flexible as you can see and it was based

1:05on care costs so bakke which is legends that dates back like hundreds of years 1:13ago and Japanese folklore where parasols gains souls after hundred years so I 1:20decided to electrocute the character so bakke and what remains is the boning or 1:26the architecture of the K 1:28and that's the origin story behind the fat 1:32and this has garnered and letter of recognition from Harold Koda secured in 1:39charge of the Met Museum and the costume institute which is now called the Anna 1:43Wintour costing center and that happened in 2012 and I could say that was about 1:48the same time when I really started to get more serious about endeavoring in 1:53making more innovative and creative pieces of the hat designer with your

2:04YouTube or text and this is all so they're just entered nylon and it's 2:09inspired by art and the internet and as you can see the green so you're 2:18literally on the grid forces off the grid and what's cool about it because 2:27it's like a basic minimal pattern it goes with everything and having a 2:33background in graphic design at Rhode Island School of Design I'm pretty used 2:37to normally like seeing things on a grid and nothing things in the lining things 2:41so I just like graphic design history also you can see that relating in the 2:48tiebreaker and I would say this is one of my more popular pieces right now and 2:55what's great about nylon is that it you can color match it to any Pantone color

3:00so I also have glow-in-the-dark versions as well no backlight needed 3:06and this is a special hat collaboration with Adam Harvey whose a surveillance 3:14artists yet a full-page New York Times article about the work that he's been 3:19doing and he's very innovative and trying to bridge the gap between 3:23technology and art and where it's going 3:28he's done conferences with snowed in and she's trying to make where more and more 3:34the fact that we're constantly being surveillance and how big brother is 3:40watching you as you can see this hot lick that's where I Z line and the nose 3:49bridge that you can see all the sacred geometry happening right now and it has 3:54a buckminster fuller like geodesic dome kind of structure in the back and it's

4:03made so that it can be worn and blocks face detection and computers so this is 4:13a prototype and it first debuted at the new museum demo day in January this past 4:19January and we're going through second and third rounds soon and it's been 4:25presented yeah I 4:27and there's a lot of interest in it because people want to avoid being seen 4:35by everyone and being recognized this AM percent higher and it's a combination 4:47between Jacksonville and I am percent and was commissioned by The New Republic 4:53magazine political magazine and it was recently just bought by Facebook founder

5:02but anyways they commissioned need to create any piece that had any and 5:09percent in it for the books and the arts page so I decided to show how like where 5:17things are going 5:18like things are becoming more and more digital and 3d printing to the marvelous 5:23aspects behind it is the fact that you can create something out of nothing and 5:28things that you normally not print or treat any other way 5:33are possible through 3d printing and I decided to make a combination of percent 5:43and actionable and create a whole new system symbol or mochi you could say and 5:49I'm going to also make it at symbol to go with this one and this is the echo

6:00had and I've got a lot of press from this because it's just a show stopper 6:05and people are really curious about it especially the Silicon Valley Fashion 6:09Week this had the most attention and people were like cheering really hard 6:14can you demonstrate for us to do a 360 and as you can see there's eight phases 6:25that go around and this is also kind of commentary on how we live in a 6:32surveillance as well and how we live in the age of the Selphy and how people are 6:39really consumed with the idea of like Facebook and Facebook is there really a 6:43book of faces so at all times in that way and it's the critique on how we live 6:50in a society that as well as references Greek and Roman mythology the story of 6:56echo and narcissus how echo this woman errands for narcissus but narcissist

7:05instead like falls in love with his own reflection so I love that mythological 7:11story and always liked you know I felt really in tune with it as a kid so I 7:19wanted to create a piece that was referencing that like mythological 7:22ancient story with something modern to with this new technique in 3d printing 7:29of Laser Center nylon which is high resolution and you can get really fine 7:34details that you couldn't get otherwise so thank you 7:40this is the atomic universe hot and I was fascinated with the idea of the big 7:47bang and physics because I never study that as a kit and I wanted to make a 7:54visual representation of how electrons would like low and then around the

8:03nucleus so this is an actual representation of elite youth 8:09representing electrons you could say and you can feel very trippy and depending 8:18on how you per me to like your head like how you drop your head around it also 8:23does different orbital yeah yeah 8:28turn down the lights and you guys could be better but yeah this is a really fun 8:36fun show stopper to recognition that I got from Harold Koda 8:49which I was really lucky enough to be part of it was an act nationwide contest 8:53was open to all design students in america and I it was in conjunction with

9:02that also see a parolee and products submission on how ya bro and Prada 9:08really deeply connected to each other because of their love of art and fashion 9:15and Surrealism so as you can see a lot of my house have images 2 30 isn't 9:21happening and this cocktail press all had like I guess you could say I do 9:26something like instead of just how I like Marcel Duchamp took a bicycle wheel 9:33and put it in different contexts and put it on the stool he created a monumental 9:38piece of artwork like i feel like putting an umbrella on a headband it's 9:44kind of similar and fam aspects so I wanted to also show you some of my other 9:51hats were you able to be here today so you can kind of do like you could see a 9:58scope of some of my other stuff this is hot again and I also have a mirrored

10:04version that was chrome to buy the same cromer's as Jeff Koons and it has a very 10:10small of Muir's aspect and it really plays with the double entendre of who's 10:17watching who really early and you get to see yourself in the mirror as well as 10:23other people aren't you with some time this is a piece that I did for Victor 10:31Osborne he's also an owner that has done commissioned pieces for Tom Brown 10:36and bird art and a few other top designers that's how I kind of started 10:42off the country singer under him and he gave me an opportunity to make origami 10:49hang out of paper but a miniature version that was sent out to accessory 10:55editors 10:56cheek eww Harper's Bazaar all the top editors and they were able to get this

11:03many have box and I and in exchange they had free so that was that was 11:10interesting like a box of curiosities you could say they received at school 11:17about this is the origins of Oregon me like trouble with which is a type of 11:23magic that made with paper like you can transform these shapes into like many 11:31different shapes like for example this can be worn three different ways so like 11:37I was playing with the idea of how houdini even used to use trouble with 11:42and I wanted to make that into a hat and make it into interesting curiosity keeps 11:48it that's me with the 1000 to fix this you ditions that I created this is the 11:56function bonnet hat and it was it's made out of this material called me and you

12:07can like bold it with your hands and by the heat of your hands and like spring 12:14it was water can transform the material into 12:17different shapes and I also worked with my uncle who's also a hat designer and 12:24he's been in the industry for over 30 years so I was able to grasp a lot from 12:29working with him as well and these hats are currently being pulled by Vogue 12:37Italia shot by Steven myself or shoot that's coming up next month next month 12:43I'm percent black and white 12:49this is a red drum and plastic that was melted with the heat gun in in the show 12:57the organic ship that you see right there

13:03dolly has inspired by Salvador Dali and his persistence of memory and I made a 13:12special commission version for Lady Gaga where it's a holographic time on the 13:20right hand side so I uses holographic film user base layer and then 13:28final letter though the Roman numerals afterwards this is this interesting 13:37material called horse hair and was cool about it once you so in half 13:46you can pull out it and it starts curving and it becomes a swirl so this 13:54is called us world on the left and then this is congress which was inspired by

14:00john paul got to use force that Madonna wore for truth or dare and it was the 14:08congress was commissioned by the Brooklyn Museum for me to lead it fifty 14:14people class that was like sold out so that was a really great opportunity that 14:21happen in 2014 14:22it was also in conjunction with like the International Exhibition retrospective 14:30of john paul got here are some other colors waves and in conjunction with 14:37this small cocktail parasol have also had this big parasol skelton hat so it's 14:43a jumbo version and those to guard the word from that museum also different 14:49color waves red-white-and-blue trying to picture 14:53black version and then different color whereas for the clock to a parasol had 14:58one on the right is your text in time and it's leather and that it with his

15:15like sparkles so I thought it very much 15:19was I was envisioning like space and how baseballs and what's interesting about 15:27this is that the whole pieces molded to make to make a circular don't like 15:36aspects of the peace so it's almost like a planetarium heraldic like if you look 15:43on the inside the program that surrounds the ribbon is has planetary like Milky 15:49Way constellations and wrapping your head this is called the Ariel Ariel and 15:57as you can see how the blue green hair dye since the last time I get pinkish

16:01like see phone like to show going on it's a combination of a baseball cap 16:09with cowboy top kinda hacking that I do this is a very often 16:22this is also the same blue green iridescent stew but it's the same 16:29leather that can trigger songs maybe it's the same your distance one on the 16:37rate is the third I have and they're made of real foul-up photopolymer 16:42holograms about a hundred thirty and the base of the hat to is also rainbow 16:52holograms holographic this is a singularity and as you can see it's like

17:00a motherboard pattern and it's a little like old-school style but I like that 17:06idea of mixing old and new and I like at the time I was reading breaker tells the 17:15singularity book and I was really faced with the concerns of what singularity 17:22might look like 17:23so the idea of biological and 17:27technological coming together and like the idea of a lenticular having two 17:33sides of a double edged sword like being in the same thing I thought that was 17:39really getting to me that's what I make universe how left and the body electric 17:48and it's inspired by Walt Whitman's I think the body electric poem if you have 17:55a chance I highly recommend you guys reading it is a wonderful poem and it's

18:02made with addressable LEDs that all kind of speak the same language of this 18:07rainbow melting colors are happening 18:11and it was featured in the show studio punk film last year and it featured SuJu 18:20supermodel who is now the face of L'Oreal this is the glass heart and it's 18:32inspired by like coral reefs and it's it's a piece of antique glass 18:38appropriated and created into a piece cattle hadn't read but it's it's an 18:47amazing to see you like myself actually use of editorials and stuff like that 18:53the very like filling part about doing I seeing it in a different context from 18:59different and different artistic director directors so this is a few of

19:05my press and its entry was a show called Diaoyu girls featured my heart's on 19:11television for Bravo 19:14this is the Red Room hat and red room is murder spelled backwards so I like the 19:19idea of how it looked like blood that was like coagulating becoming listener 19:24sells their parcels carson had like the year that I created it gotta love 19:35garnered a lot of attention was in the new york times and the next day after 19:39this on the left it was featured in bill Cunningham sunday style page as you can 19:47see the girls and right she's wearing a mini origami on the left is called the 19:56kernel floor and it's made of plastic flowers that were all like piece

20:02together combining forgot the exact word of how you arrange flowers in Japanese 20:13flower arrangements I think it's called equal partner but anyways yeah that was 20:19inspiration to make something really like out of this world and bizarre tax 20:28almost taxidermy but in a plant like way and I was featured in W magazine 20:37and I'm wearing the melting clock at these are special hats that I created 20:46that have LEDs or the like that i are very like Michelle Harper she's like a 20:55fashion muse I have great privilege of her wearing an editorial yeah there's

21:06another hat do you have any questions 21:18anything in her lifetime and yes I was wondering if you're ever gonna do any 21:32clothing or are you just gonna stick with hot I wanna being known for hats 21:37first so we enter homes and fashion you know clothing is a natural progression 21:45so that we keep your eyes peeled for me 21:49yeah so so thank you for thanks for coming 21:53beautiful thanks for being here so I guess my question I between part 21:58question so why why why did you start with that and why was that you're

22:03beginning fashion piece of work 22:08ok I had say a lot of ways that you can see them as a child at least it was a 22:15bit of comfort like a pillow or security blanket a sense 22:23belonging something and no matter what context you're in you can still have 22:33your own thinking space in your own 22:35bring to the table like a piece of yourself so that's what I like about it 22:41so no matter what matrix you're in you're still in your own head space 22:46that's what I like about cuts and you know wearing a hat your mind is 22:52connected to it as well so it's it's interconnected and the second part of

23:00the question was it looks like fashion is going pretty digital these days right 23:04so do you see that becoming a bigger trend and what's the future like did you 23:11do all these in and lighting and movement within within fashion idea of 23:18the new aesthetic term where the digital is becoming more and more physical so as 23:26you can see 3d printing it starts with vector file and like like a file that 23:32become something real so your imagination is the limit 23:37you know any think it and he can anything can happen really when you put 23:43your imagination and reality and 3d printing is the media 3d printing and 23:50scanning are these fantastic tools for creating really personalized pieces just 23:55something I guess in my modern world back you know things are made for 23:59millions of people to be as cheap as possible but what do you think it would

24:03take before you know 3d printing your body scanning it packs a V use a local 24:08bar skill I think there's a lot of patents expire 24:12hopefully soon so it will become more and more affordable for normal people to 24:18wear and have access to as you can see there's already like places like kinko's 24:25and stuff that have 3d printers and I can see over there right there like a 24:30MakerBot and that's a little bit more look low resolution like plastic 24:35extrusion but there is going to be more and more options are coming out of the 24:39market as you know competition makes things more affordable as we could talk 24:46a bit more about the process like you start talking about two different 24:50resolutions 3d printing or 2011 to try out like nylon printing or something 24:55like or how you might go about it 24:57well this is not so it starts off in a better batter and your file once you put

25:05it in 25:05layer-by-layer the lasers go through and center then I line which is nothing so 25:12afterwards like after they printed all day dust off all the pattern like 25:19remains as I kinda like an archaeological dig you find this piece 25:23and ready to go if you like the process is any different for fashions for these 25:30kinds of statements that you're doing which is like other stuff that people 25:32are making well I think like the way to go if you're doing high fashion is 25:36flexible nylon really printed stuff cuz if the most wearable 25:42I would say and yes also I guess extremely high-resolution the lower 25:49edges recent resolution stuff you can see the lines you can see like little 25:56strings coming out and stuff so you can see the quality of its obvious cause the

26:01printer caused by Kathleen dollars the ones you see here too so I'm curious 26:09about how you get started and what type of work he did before you went and how 26:14many of these pieces were made while yrs industry like when I moved to New York I 26:21was working for a multi-millionaire a luxury real estate marketing company 26:25called should I show and we would kind of dream up crazy ideas of like creating 26:32artificial islands in Dubai 26:34and imagining like what the resort would look like and how the spa's would be 26:40under water and such like that so it was pretty intense and interesting like 26:48working with like buildings actually stark designed and 26:54Jane jagger to name a few and W Hotels but at the end of the day I felt like I

27:01wanted to do something more fulfilling and more personal and wanted to share my 27:08stories through these hats you can see and initially I don't really know I was 27:14going to get a tattoo design it's just kind of stumbled upon it and it started 27:19off the princess thing under Victor Osborne no wonder and then I started 27:25just creating my hot little by little over that over that time period starting 27:28with the origami huh 27:29and then creating more functional pieces that were and I feel like myself tries 27:35to bridge the gap between art and craft and design all the same time so it 27:41should my house you could say a statement pieces because each of them 27:45have strong concepts average like how long does it take you with the entire 27:56process from like the idea I don't know what other steps are in there and then

28:02actually like ok hats had 23 printed 28:06coming from they train you to have a really sharp eye and also doesn't help 28:14that I'm a bit of a perfectionist so it takes me lots and lots of rounds and 28:19revision 28:19INS to get to the level that you see here today so it's like you know trial 28:25and error and if it doesn't fit you try again and again and then you hone it and 28:31it becomes actual sellable products so that's one way and is is that like month 28:40or every hot has its own profit somehow but just like making us hit song you 28:47know you never know it could take a couple days or if it takes like a month 28:51or like you know it has its own like wavelength of process I was wondering

29:00what sort of constraints to yourself when you're thinking about a new design 29:04definitely something that is helpful for like people but then still striking like 29:15I want to make something that is 29:19consumer would want in general and maybe you like sushi at the masses in that but 29:28then also have integral integrity of ergonomics like design and function as 29:39you can see in this case arises here it's kind of like a scrappy please we 29:44used to prepare a place I was wondering how you deal with a speech like these 29:51are what's in your creative process do you have a specific space for you to be

30:01honest is in this kind of space like a working space cuz making some of my 30:06house for example that echo hat it it took a lot of priming and sanding and 30:11priming like days and days of doing that and it would be in a workspace like this 30:15where I would actually do it myself right now I don't have many interns so I 30:25do most of the work myself so getting it to that point it was a lot of my own 30:32hand labor so being in a real rock like hands on space like this that's that's 30:37why she liked you and comfortable thank you for coming

0:00请欢迎海利所以我很高兴签名,我已经很幸运有一个 0:11大量的成功和认可在这里多年的几个我的房子 0:16医生和他们在山谷的Saucon时装周上展示了昨天和 0:23我想真正把他们带到你,你可以看到他们在上的人 0:28真实的人,并感谢这些可爱的女人已经能够自愿为你 0:33今天你可以看到他们非常醒目和有,但背后 0:42有很多思想和过程的每一个进入我的故事的背后 0:47他们每个人都有自己的权利中的叙述和故事,我想 0:51与大家分享他们在这里是上半年鸡尾酒遮阳伞帽子和其3D 0:57印刷激光中心尼龙及其灵活的,你可以看到,它是基于

1:05照顾成本,使巴克是传说可以追溯到像几百年前 1:13以前,日本民间传说的地方遮阳伞收益的灵魂经过一百多年的,所以我 1:20决定触电的性格让巴克和剩下的就是剔骨或 1:26在K的体系结构 1:28而这背后的脂肪起源故事 1:32这已囊括从哈罗德承认田信固定 1:39负责大都会博物馆和时装学院现在被称为安娜 1:43温图尔成本中心和发生在2012年,我可以说,是关于 1:48当我真正开始的同时获取有关努力更严重 1:53使得帽子设计师更多的创新和创意作品与你

2:04 YouTube或文字,这是所有所以他们刚刚进入尼龙和它的 2:09通过艺术和互联网的启发,正如你可以看到绿色让你 2:18从字面上对电网力断网,什么是酷的,因为 2:27它就像它去的一切以及具有基本格局极小 2:33背景在罗德岛设计学院平面设计我敢用 2:37正常就像看到在衬里的东西在网格上并没有什么东西的东西 2:41所以我只是喜欢平面设计历史上也可以看到有关的 2:48决胜局,我会说这是我比较流行的作品之一,现在和 2:55什么是伟大的关于尼龙的是,它可以将其颜色匹配任何PANTONE色

3:00所以我也有发光在这黑暗的版本以及无需背光源 3:06这是亚当·哈维的监视一个特殊的帽子合作 3:14关于作品的艺术家还没有一个整版的纽约时报的文章说,他一直 3:19这样做,他非常创新,试图弥合差距 3:23技术与艺术,它是怎么回事 3:28他做了会议,在下雪,她的努力使那里越来越多 3:34事实上,我们正在不断地被监视以及如何大哥 3:40看着你,你可以看到这个炎热的舔这就是IZ线和鼻子 3:49桥,你可以看到所有的神圣的几何,现在发生的事情,它有 3:54一个富勒像在后面和它的穹顶一种结构

4:03制成,以便它可以佩戴和块脸检测和计算机,所以这是 4:13原型,它第一次在一月份推出的新馆演示一天,这个过去 4:19一月,我们很快就要去通过第二轮和第三轮,它已经 4:25提出是的,我 4:27并且有很多的利益在里面,因为人们希望避免被视为 4:35每个人都和被认可这一更高的百分之上午,这是一个组合 4:47杰克逊和我之间是%,而由新的委托共和国 4:53杂志政治杂志和它最近刚刚Facebook创始人买

5:02但不管怎么说,他们委托需要创建任何一块有过任何与 5:09百分之它的书籍和艺术页面,所以我决定来展示如何像在哪里 5:17事情进展 5:18喜欢的东西正在变得越来越数字化,3D打印的奇妙 5:23其背后的方面是事实,你可以创建无中生有和 5:28东西,你通常不会打印或对待任何其他方式 5:33是有可能通过3D打印,我决定把百分比的组合 5:43和可操作,并创建了一个全新的系统,符号或年糕你可以说和 5:49我打算也使它在符号去与这一个,这是回音

6:00曾经和我有很多媒体从这个,因为它只是一个显示塞 6:05和人民真的很好奇它尤其是硅谷时装 6:09这周过了最多的关注,人们都像欢呼真的很难 6:14你能证明为我们做了360,正如你可以看到有八个阶段 6:25那去走一走,这也是对我们如何生活在一种解说 6:32监控以及如何我们住在SELPHY的年龄,以及如何人 6:39真正消耗与Facebook的想法,Facebook是真的有 6:43脸书因此在那样的时刻,这是我们如何生活的批判 6:50在一个社会,以及引用希腊和罗马神话的故事 6:56回声和水仙如何回应这个女人跑腿水仙但自恋

7:05而不是像爱自己的倒影落在所以我喜欢这个神话 7:11故事,一直很喜欢你知道我在调感觉真的用它作为一个孩子,所以我 7:19想创造一块被引用,像神话 7:22古老的故事与现代的东西用在3D打印这种新技术 7:29激光中心尼龙是分辨率高,你可以得到真精 7:34你不能得到其它详细信息,以便谢谢 7:40这是宇宙的原子热,我的大的想法着迷 7:47爆炸和物理,因为我从来没有研究,作为一个工具包,我想做一个 7:54怎样的电子可视化表示愿意低再绕

8:03核所以这是青年精英的实际表现 8:09代表电子,你可以说,你能感觉到很迷幻,并根据 8:18你如何每次我喜欢你的头怎么样,你身边也砸你的头 8:23确实不同轨道呀呀 8:28调低灯光,你们可能会更好,但呀,这是一个非常有趣的 8:36乐趣显示塞承认,我从哈罗德幸田来未拿到 8:49我真的很幸运能成为其中的一部分,是一个全国性的行为大赛 8:53是开放给所有设计专业的学生在美国,我是结合

9:02也见雅如何老兄和Prada一个假释和产品提交 9:08真的深深的相互连接,因为他们的艺术和时尚的热爱 9:15和超现实主义所以你可以看到很多我的房子有2图像30不 9:21发生这种鸡尾酒新闻都有像我想你可以说我做的 9:26类似的,而不只是我怎么样杜尚把一个自行车轮 9:33并把它放在不同的语境,把它放在他创造了一个巨大的大便 9:38一件艺术品就像我觉得自己像把雨伞上头带它的 9:44一种类似于FAM和方面,所以我想也告诉你一些我的其他的 9:51帽子是你能够成为今天这样你就可以那种不喜欢,你可以看到一个 9:58我的一些其他的东西的范围,这是又热,我也有一个镜像

10:04版本是Chrome浏览器购买同样的克罗默作为杰夫·昆斯,它有一个非常 10:10小缪尔方面,它真的与谁是双关语播放 10:17看着谁真正早期,你能看到自己在镜子以及 10:23其他人是不是你用一些时间,这是一块,我没有对维克托 10:31奥斯本他也是做了件委托汤姆布朗所有者 10:36和鸟类艺术和其他几个顶级设计师这就是我怎么样的开始 10:42断下他和乡村歌手,他给了我一个机会,使折纸 10:49挂出纸而是一个微缩版本,被派出配件 10:55编者 10:56脸颊EWW芭莎所有的高级编辑,他们都能够找到这个

11:03许多有盒子,我作为交换他们有免费的,所以这是这是 11:10有趣的好奇心一样的盒子,你可以说他们在学校接受 11:17这个是我俄勒冈像麻烦的起源与这是一个类型的 11:23魔术与你一样纸做可以将这些形状变成像许多 11:31不同的形状例如像这样可以穿三种不同的方式让喜欢 11:37我是用怎样胡迪尼甚至用使用麻烦的想法打 11:42我想让这成为一个帽子,使其成为有趣的好奇心不断 11:48这就是我用1000来解决这个问题,你ditions我创建这是 11:56功能引擎盖的帽子,这是它做出来这种材料叫我和你

12:07可以像大胆它与你的手和你的手和四季如春的热 12:14它是水可以改变物料进入 12:17不同的形状和我也有我的叔叔工作谁也是一个帽子设计师和 12:24他一直在该行业超过30年,所以我能够从抓一大把 12:29和他一起工作,以及和这些帽子正由时尚拉 12:37意大利由史蒂芬自己拍摄或拍摄,下个月的到来下个月 12:43我是百分之黑色和白色 12:49这是一个红色的桶和塑料被用热风枪在节目中融化 12:57你看到那里的有机船

13:03小车已灵感来自萨尔瓦多·达利和他的记忆毅力和我做了一个 13:12特别委员会版Lady Gaga的地方是一个全息时间对 13:20右手边,所以我使用了全息膜的用户基础层,然后 13:28虽然罗马数字最后一封信后,这是这个有趣 13:37材料叫马毛,是很酷一次你这么一半 13:46你可以拉出它,它开始弯曲,它变成一个漩涡所以这 13:54被称为美国的世界在左侧,那么这是大会这是由灵感

14:00约翰·保罗得到了使用武力麦当娜穿了真心话大冒险,这是 14:08大会由布鲁克林博物馆委托我领导这50 14:14类人被像卖完了所以这是一个真正伟大的机会, 14:21发生在2014年 14:22也正是在像国际展览一起回顾 14:30的约翰·保罗来到这里有一些其他颜色的波和结合 14:37这个小阳伞鸡尾酒也有过这样的大太阳伞骨架帽子所以它的 14:43巨型版本以及那些从该博物馆也不同守卫字 14:49波色红白色和蓝色的努力想象 14:53黑色版本,然后将不同的颜色而对于时钟遮阳伞有 14:58一个在右边是在时间上你的文字,它的皮,它与他

15:15像火花,所以我认为它非常 15:19被我像预想的空间,以及如何棒球,什么是有趣的左右 15:27这是全片成型,制作做出一个圆形的不喜欢 15:36和平方面所以它几乎就像一个天文馆纹章一样,如果你看一下 15:43对周围的带状节目里面有行星像银河系 15:49路星座和包装你的头这就是所谓的林依晨林依晨和 15:57正如你所看到的青绿色染发剂如何自从上次我得到的粉红色

16:01喜欢看手机喜欢展示回事这是一个棒球帽的组合 16:09与牛仔顶级黑客还挺我做的这是一个很经常 16:22这也是相同的蓝色绿色彩虹炖,但它是相同的 16:29皮革可以触发歌曲也许是相同的距离一个在 16:37速度是第三个我已经和他们取得真正犯规了感光树脂 16:42约一百三十和帽子的基础全息图也彩虹 16:52全息图全息这是一个奇异性,你可以看到它像

17:00主板模式,它​​有点像老派的风格,但我喜欢 17:06混合新旧理念,我喜欢在我读断路器时间告诉了 17:15奇异的书,我真的遇到什么奇异的担忧 17:22可能看起来像 17:23这样的生物的想法, 17:27技术走到一起,并​​喜欢具有两个柱状的想法 17:33一把双刃剑两侧喜欢在同样的事情是我认为这是 17:39真是越来越对我来说,这就是我做宇宙是如何左侧和机身电 17:48它是由沃尔特·惠特曼的启发,我认为身体电首诗,如果你有 17:55一个机会,我强烈建议你们看这是一个美妙的诗句,它的

18:02可寻址的LED指示灯,都挺讲的这个相同的语言提出 18:07彩虹色融化正在发生 18:11并且它在展示工作室朋克电影特色,去年它拥有SUJU 18:20名模谁现在是欧莱雅这样的脸是玻璃心脏,它的 18:32由像珊瑚礁的启发,这是它的一块古董玻璃 18:38划拨和创建成片的牛都没有读过,但它是它是一个 18:47令人惊讶地看到你像我这样的实际使用社论和类似的东西的 18:53非常喜欢这样做我看到它在不同的上下文填满部分 18:59不同而不同艺术总监导演,所以这是一小部分

19:05我的新闻和它的入口是一个叫钓鱼岛及其附属功能的女孩我的心脏的展出 19:11电视的布拉沃 19:14这是红厅帽子和红色的房间谋杀拼写落后,所以我喜欢 19:19它的样子像血一样想法,就像凝固成为监听器 19:24主要销售自己的包裹卡森不得不像当年我创造了它得爱 19:35赢得了很多关注是在纽约时报第二天后 19:39这左边它法案坎宁安周日风格页的功能,你可以 19:47看到女孩和右她的穿着左边一个小型折纸被称为 19:56内核层,它是由塑料制成的花朵都像一块

20:02结合在一起忘了你是如何安排的日本花确切的词 20:13插花我想这就是所谓的平等的伙伴,但反正是啊,这是 20:19灵感,使一些真正喜欢这个世界和奇异税 20:28几乎动物标本,但在这样的方式厂房及我在W杂志精选 20:37和我穿这些融化的时钟是我创建的特殊帽子 20:46具有LED等,我都非常喜欢米歇尔哈珀她就像一个 20:55时尚缪斯我有穿社论耶有她莫大的荣幸

21:06另一顶帽子你有任何问题 21:18在她的一生什么,是的,我在想,如果你从来没有准备好做任何 21:32衣服或你只是要去坚持用热我不想被著名的帽子 21:37首先让我们进入家庭和时尚的你知道衣服是一个自然的过程 21:45让我们保持你的眼睛去皮我 21:49是的那么那么谢谢你谢谢光临 21:53来这里美丽的感谢,所以我想我的一部分,我的问题 21:58问题所以为什么为什么为什么你开始与,为什么是你

22:03开始时尚一块工作 22:08确定我有说了很多方法,你可以把他们看成一个孩子,至少这是一个 22:15舒适有点像一个枕头或毛毯的安全意识 22:23属于你的你是什么背景的东西,不管仍然可以有 22:33在你自己你自己的思想空间 22:35带来像一块自己的表,以便这就是我喜欢它 22:41所以不管你在做什么矩阵你仍然在自己的头部空间 22:46这就是我喜欢的削减,你知道戴帽子你的心是 22:52连接到它,以及因此它的它的互连和第二部分

23:00问题是,它看起来像时尚会相当正确的数字,这些天 23:04所以你看到,成为一个更大的趋势,什么是未来像你那样 23:11做所有这些在照明及运动中内的时尚理念 23:18新学期的审美其中数字已成为越来越多的体力,从而 23:26你可以看到3D打印会启动与矢量文件和类似像一个文件 23:32成为真正的东西让你的想象力是极限 23:37你知道的任何觉得,他可以什么都可以当你把真的发生 23:43你的想象力和现实,3D打印是媒体3D打印和 23:50扫描是只​​创建真正个性化的作品这些美妙的工具 23:55东西我在现代世界中想回来,你知道事情的制作 23:59数以百万计的人要尽可能地便宜,但你怎么看待它会

24:03带你了解3D打印你的身体扫描它包为V使用本地前 24:08酒吧技能我觉得有很多的专利到期的 24:12希望很快因此它会变得越来越实惠正常的人 24:18磨损和访问,你可以看到有像已经像Kinko的地方 24:25和东西有3D打印机,我可以看到那边在那里像 24:30 MakerBot而这多一点点看看低分辨率像塑料 24:35挤出但将是越来越多的选项出来的 24:39市场正如你所知道的竞争使事情变得更实惠,因为我们可以谈 24:46更多关于过程有点像你开始谈论两个不同 24:50分辨率3D打印或2011年尝试像尼龙印花或东西 24:55喜欢或者你可能会如何去做 24:57嗯,这不是那么它在一块更好的开头,你的文件一旦你把

25:05它 25:05层与层之间的激光器经过和中心然后我行这是什么如此 25:12事后等之后,他们印制了一整天灰尘都喜欢的图案 25:19仍然,我还挺喜欢的一个考古挖掘找到这片 25:23并准备好了,如果你喜欢的过程是时尚这些有什么不同 25:30种,你正在做哪些语句就像是其他的东西,人们 25:32正在嗯,我想喜欢的方式去,如果你正在做高级时装 25:36弹性尼龙真正印刷的东西,如果的Cuz最耐磨 25:42我会说是的我也想超高分辨率下 25:49最近的边缘分辨率的东西,你可以看到你可以看到像小行 25:56串出来之类的东西,所以你可以看到它的明显原因的质量

26:01造成凯瑟琳打印机美元的那些你也看到这里,所以我很好奇 26:09你得到怎样开始和他没你去之前,什么样的工作,以及如何 26:14许多这些作品作了而年行业就像当我搬到纽约我 26:21在工作​​了千万富翁的奢侈品房地产营销公司 26:25叫我应该表现我们会有种梦想像创造疯狂的想法 26:32在迪拜人工岛 26:34和想象像度假村将是什么样子和水疗中心的会怎样 26:40在水中与此类似的,这么这是非常激烈和有趣的像 26:48像建筑形成了鲜明的实际设计和工作 26:54简·贾格尔仅举几例和W酒店,但在我觉得我的一天结束

27:01想做些更充实,更个性化,并希望分享我的 27:08通过这些故事,帽子你可以看到,最初我真的不知道我是 27:14要得到一个纹身设计它时,它只是一种偶然,它开始 27:19下关维克多奥斯本公主的事情难怪,然后我就开始 27:25只是多一点,创造我的热略高于该时段出发 27:28与折纸呵呵 27:29然后创造更多的功能件即是,我觉得像我这样的尝试 27:35弥合艺术和工艺和设计上的同一时间之间的差距,因此 27:41应我的房子,你可以说一个声明碎的,因为他们每个人 27:45有强大的概念,像平均多久它带你与整个 27:56从过程喜欢这个主意,我不知道还有什么其他步骤都在那里,然后

28:02其实像OK帽子已经印23 28:06未来从他们训练你有一个非常敏锐的眼光,也没有帮助 28:14我是有点完美主义者,所以我花很多很多轮和 28:19调整 28:19 INS去今天你在这里看到的水平,使这就像你知道的审判 28:25和错误,如果它不适合你再试试,再然后你磨练它, 28:31它成为实际可供出售的产品,这样的一种方式,是是,像一个月 28:40或每热点都有自己的利润,但不知何故,就像使我们主打歌你 28:47知道你永远不知道它可能需要几天或者如果它需要像一个月 28:51或者像你知道它有过程的本国同类波长我想知道

29:00什么样的约束自己,当你正在考虑一个新的设计 29:04绝对的东西是为喜欢的人有所帮助,但当时仍像惊人 29:15我想要的东西,是 29:19消费者希望一般,也许你在群众喜欢寿司,但 29:28那么也有类似的设计和功能的人体工程学设计的整体完整性 29:39你可以看到在这种情况下就出现在这里它有点像一个斗志旺盛的,请大家 29:44用于制备一个地方,我想知道你是如何处理这样的讲话 29:51是什么在你的创作过程,你有一个特定的空间,你是

30:01说实话在这有点像一个工作空间空间的Cuz让我的一些 30:06房子的例子,帽子呼应它,它花了很多吸和打磨和 30:11吸般的日子,做了几天,这将是在这样的工作区 30:15在那里我实际上做我自己,现​​在我没有很多的实习生,所以我 30:25做最强的自己的工作,因此让到这一点,这是一个很多我自己的 30:32手工劳动中像这样的空间手中真正的摇滚是这样就是这样的 30:37她为什么喜欢你,舒适谢谢您的光临

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