TestTube News2016.3.27---哪些國家購買武器最多?

TestTube News2016.3.27---哪些國家購買武器最多?

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0:04In March 2016, the United States approved a deal to sell nearly $700 million dollars 0:08worth of smart bombs to the Turkish government. This purchase is part of the US’s Foreign 0:13Military Sales program, which uses the US government as an intermediary in facilitating 0:17arms sales to foreign countries. Not only do these weapons bring in revenue for the 0:21United States, but they are a key part of the US’s foreign policy. With arms playing 0:26such an integral role in the world’s economy and stability, we wanted to know: what are 0:30the biggest countries in the global arms trade? 0:33Well, first of all, “the arms trade” refers to more than just weapons or armaments. It 0:37includes military information, vehicles, and technology alongside traditional guns, bombs, 0:42and bullets. Most countries are unable to produce or develop modern military technology, 0:47so there are only a handful of countries which supply the rest of the world. According to 0:51the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the global total for military expenditures 0:57for 2014 was roughly $1.7 trillion dollars, making up more than 2% of the entire world’s

1:03GDP. That’s nearly $250 for every person on earth. There are nearly 900 million small 1:09arms and light weapons estimated in circulation, and almost one million small arms alone produced 1:14annually. This is on top of thousands of tanks, aircrafts, and warships. So who is making 1:21all this equipment? Well, the biggest weapons and technology exporter 1:24in the world, by a large margin, is the United States. It supplies roughly one third of the 1:29global arms trade, and in 2015 saw nearly $50 billion dollars in foreign military sales. 1:35Four of the top five largest defense contractors in the world are American companies. With 1:40such a massive military budget, the US economy is actually optimized to profit off of global 1:45conflict. American weapons made by American companies bring in billions, and help to outgun 1:50anti-American interests by supplying allied forces. The next four largest exporters combined, 1:56Russia, Germany, France, and China, barely outspend the United States. So where do these

2:00weapons go, and why? Well, the single largest purchaser of military 2:04equipment is Saudi Arabia, which spent roughly 6.5 billion dollars in 2014. Although Saudi 2:10Arabia is not a particularly large country compared to others on the list, it holds a 2:14unique and potentially dangerous position in the Middle East. With nearby Iran dwarfing 2:19the Saudis in military size, Saudi Arabia is forced to compete by using the latest military 2:24equipment, primarily bought from the United States. 2:26But although the arms trade is intended to support allied nations, it is also how dangerous 2:30groups are able to get their weapons. For example, while Iraq is the 6th largest recipient 2:35of foreign arms, there have been many reports that ISIS members are buying or seizing American 2:40made weapons. Recent videos show ISIS using M-16s, manufactured in the US. 2:46So while it may not be the case that the arms trade keeps everyone safe, there’s no question 2:50that it makes its participants a huge amount of money. 2:53But while the arms trade takes up a huge portion of the US’s budget and revenue, few weapons 2:57are as expensive or as dangerous as nuclear weapons. To find out exactly who has them,

3:02and who is suspected of having them, check out this video. Thanks for watching Test Tube 3:17News, don’t forget to like and subscribe for new videos every day.

0:04在2016年3月,美国批准了一项协议,出售近$ 700万美金 0:08值得灵巧炸弹土耳其政府。此次收购是美国外交的一部分 0:13军售计划,它采用了美国政府作为中介机构促进 0:17武器销售到国外。不仅这些武器带来营收为 0:21美国,但他们是美国外交政策的重要组成部分。随着武器打 0:26在这样的世界经济和稳定的不可或缺的作用,我们想知道:是什么 0:30最大的国家在全球军火贸易? 0:33好吧,首先,“军火贸易”指的不仅仅是武器或装备更多。它 0:37包括军事信息,车辆和技术除了传统的枪支,炸弹, 0:42和子弹。大多数国家都无法生产或发展现代军事技术, 0:47所以只有它提供世界各地的少数几个国家。根据 0:51斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所,全球总军费开支 0:57 2014年大约是1.7万亿美元,$,占整个世界的2%以上

1:03国内生产总值。这是近250 $每个人在地球上。有近900万的小 1:09武器和流通估计轻型武器,以及将近一万件小武器生产的独 1:14每年。这是对数千坦克,飞机,和军舰的顶部。那么是谁在做 1:21所有这些设备?那么,最大的武器和技术出口国 1:24在世界上,以大比分,是美国。它提供的大约三分之一 1:29全球武器贸易,并在2015年看到了近50十亿$美元的对外军售。 1:35在全球前五大国防承包商四是美国公司。同 1:40这样一个庞大的军事预算,美国经济实际上是优化利润的全球关闭 1:45冲突。由美国公司生产的美制武器带来数十亿美元,并帮助处于下风 1:50反美通过提供联军利益。接下来的四个最大的出口相结合, 1:56俄罗斯,德国,法国和中国,几乎没有更多花费胜出美国。那么,做这些

2:00武器去,为什么?那么,单军的最大买主 2:04设备是沙特阿拉伯,这大约6.5十亿美元花费在2014年虽然沙特 2:10沙特阿拉伯是不是比别人就行了特别大的国家,它拥有 2:14在中东地区唯一的,具有潜在危险的境地。随着伊朗附近矮化 2:19沙特的军事规模,沙特阿拉伯被迫使用了最新的军事竞争 2:24设备,主要从美国买的。 2:26不过,尽管武器贸易的目的是支持盟国,它也是多么危险 2:30群体能够得到他们的武器。例如,虽然伊拉克是第六大收件人 2:35外国武器的,已经有许多报道称,ISIS成员购买或扣押美国 2:40制造的武器。最近的视频显示ISIS采用M-16战斗机,在美国制造。 2:46因此,尽管它可能不是军火贸易会让每个人都安全的情况下,毫无疑问 2:50这使得它的参与者巨额资金。 2:53不过,虽然武器贸易占据了美国的预算和收入,一些武器的很大一部分 2:57是贵或危险的核武器。要找出到底谁拥有它们,

3:02和谁被怀疑有他们,看看这个视频。感谢收看试管 3:17新闻,不要忘了喜欢每天认购新影片。

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