TestTube News2016.3.3---東盟為什麼重要對於東南亞

TestTube News2016.3.3---東盟為什麼重要對於東南亞
As tension rise over the South China Sea, the U.S. is taking more interest in ASEAN nations. So which countries are in ASEAN, and why is their alliance so important?

0:00In February 2016, the United States hosted its first ever ASEAN Summit. ASEAN stands 0:04for Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The meeting was part of President Obama’s 0:09efforts to strengthen economic and security ties with Southeast Asia. The US’s interest 0:14in ASEAN has grown significantly in recent years as tensions rise over the highly disputed 0:19South China Sea. So, what is ASEAN and why is it important for Southeast Asia? 0:26Well, ASEAN is a political and economic alliance of 10 countries. The group’s five original 0:34member states - Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore and Thailand - founded ASEAN in 0:401967, during the height of the Vietnam war. At the time, many Southeast Asian governments 0:44were at war with their respective communist-led guerilla groups, and leaders became increasingly 0:50concerned over the region’s political vulnerability. So, they formed an alliance to not only secure 0:55the region against the threat of communism, but to give Southeast Asia a cohesive voice 0:59on Cold War issues .

1:00Since the fall of the Soviet Union, ASEAN has shifted its focus to international trade, 1:05border security and collaboration with neighboring countries like China and South Korea. For 1:09instance, ASEAN member state’s GDPs range anywhere from roughly $11 to roughly $888 1:14billion dollars, but collectively their GDP is about $2.5 trillion dollars, rivaling that 1:20of France and the United Kingdom. 1:22When it comes to military strength, each ASEAN member state is relatively powerless on its 1:26own. Some countries, like Laos and Brunei have less than 40 thousand active military 1:27personnel. Although ASEAN has not fully integrated its military, they have already begun to collaborate 1:31on regional security threats, like North Korea’s nuclear program and the territorial dispute 1:36over the resource-rich South China sea. 1:38For decades, China has tried to take ownership of much of this area, despite conflicting 1:42claims from several member states, including the Philippines and Vietnam. ASEAN has repeatedly 1:46attempted to resolve the issue, but has thus far failed. The South China Sea conflict has 1:51jeopardized diplomatic relations between member states, as several are heavily influenced 1:55by China. ASEAN’s lack of coherence on the issue has led to criticism of the group’s

2:00supposedly weak leadership and disjointed priorities. 2:04Despite these differences of opinion over the the South China Sea dispute, ASEAN is 2:07striving to create a distinct “Southeast Asian identity” by 2020. Meaning that citizens 2:13belonging to these member states would identify themselves not by their nationality, but by 2:17calling themselves ASEAN. 2:19So how important is ASEAN? Well this powerful economic alliance, coupled with Southeast 2:24Asia’s growing consumer base, has attracted interest from the United States. When President 2:31Obama took office in 2009, the US made a strategic pivot to strengthen relations with Asia, even 2:37hosting ASEAN’s bi-annual summit on US soil. And as China continues to expand its military 2:43and territorial claims, a united Southeast Asian front is more critical than ever. 2:52This is brought to you by Domain dot com. Thanks to recent changes in internet namespace, 2:56you’re not just limited to dot com or dot org, you can register tons of new domains 3:01under “dot design”, “dot club” and even “dot ninja!” And because you know 3:05we love our TestTube audience, you can save 20% by using the coupon code “TUBE” at 3:10Domain dot com’s checkout! 3:12Make sure to check out more TestTube News videos, like this one about the fight to control 3:18the South China Sea. Thanks for watching TestTube News, make sure to like and subscribe for 3:27new videos everyday.

0:00在2016年2月,美国举行了首次东盟峰会。东盟看台 0:04东南亚国家协会。这次会议是奥巴马总统的一部分 0:09努力加强与东南亚的经济和安全关系。美国的利益 0:14东盟在最近几年显著成长为紧张局势出现了高度争议 0:19南中国海。那么,什么是东盟以及为什么它是东南亚重要的? 0:26那么,东盟10国的政治和经济联盟。该集团的五原 0:34成员国 - 印尼,马来西亚,菲律宾,新加坡和泰国 - 东盟成立于 0:40 1967年,越南战争高峰期间。当时,许多东南亚国家政府 0:44在分别与各自的共产党领导的游击战争团体,和领导人越来越多地成为 0:50关注过该地区的政治脆弱性。因此,他们结成联盟,不仅保证 0:55反对共产主义威胁的地区,但给东南亚一个有凝聚力的声音 0:59在冷战的问题。

1:00自从苏联解体后,东盟已经将重点转移到国际贸易, 1:05边境安全与协作与周边国家,如中国和韩国。对于 1:09例如,东盟成员国的国内生产总值的范围任何地方从大约11至$ 888约$ 1:14十亿美元,但他们的集体GDP约为2.5万亿美元,$,足以媲美 1:20法国和英国。 1:22当涉及到军事实力,每一个东盟成员国是相对处于弱势的 1:26拥有。一些国家,如老挝和文莱都低于40000现役军人 1:27人员。尽管东盟还没有完全整合其军队,他们已经开始合作 1:31对区域安全的威胁,像朝鲜的核计划和领土争端 1:36在资源丰富的中国南海。 1:38几十年来,中国一直试图采取的很多这方面的所有权,尽管冲突的 1:42从几个会员国,包括菲律宾和越南的要求。东盟曾多次 1:46试图解决这一问题,但迄今未能。中国南海冲突 1:51危害成员国之间的外交关系,因为有几个严重影响 1:55由中国。东盟缺乏对这个问题的连贯性,导致该集团的批评

2:00按说领导不力和脱节的优先事项。 2:04尽管在中国南海争端的不同观点,东盟 2:07力争到2020年,这意味着创建一个独特的“东南亚标识”公民 2:13属于这些成员国将确定自己不是他们的国籍,而是通过 2:17自称东盟。 2:19因此,如何重要的是东盟?嗯,这强大的经济联盟,加上东南亚 2:24亚洲日益增长的消费群,吸引了来自美国的利益。当总统 2:31奥巴马在2009年上任时,美国做了一个战略支点,加强与亚洲的关系,甚至 2:37主办东盟在美国本土每年两次的峰会。随着中国继续扩大其军事 2:43和领土要求,团结东南亚面前的是比以往更加重要。 2:52这是通过域名科网赞助商。由于在互联网空间最近的变化, 2:56你不只是局限于点com或点组织,可以注册万吨新域名 3:01在“点设计”,“点俱乐部”,甚至“点忍者!”因为你知道 3:05我们爱我们​​的观众使用TestTube,您可以通过使用在优惠券代码“试管”节省20% 3:10域科网的结帐! 3:12请一定要检查出更多的使用TestTube新闻视频,像这样的对战斗控制 3:18中国南海。感谢您收看新闻使用TestTube,一定要喜欢和认购 3:27新影片每天。

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