Daily News 2023.1.5

The numbers are in, and it seems the Metaverse needs to do better-verse!
In 2022, sales of VR headsets in the U.S. dropped two percent relative to the year before. All told, they brought in one-point-one billion dollars, a drop in the bucket compared to Facebook advertising revenues.
And it wasn’t just America that saw sales go down: Worldwide shipments of VR headsets and augmented reality devices dropped over TWELVE percent!
Now, it isn’t necessarily all bad news. Many industry experts are chalking the decline up to the big year VR headsets had in 2021, which was basically double the year before!
And the Quest 2 HAS been around for a few years now, so sales may not be the best way to gauge interest in the metaverse!
But what do you think: is the writing on the wall for the future of the Metaverse or is this just a bump in the road?
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