Angela Belcher

2009年---貝爾徹和她的團隊證明了可行性利用轉基因病毒,建立既陽極和陰極的鋰離子電池 。
These new batteries have the same energy capacity and power as cutting-edge rechargeable batteries earmarked for use in hybrid cars , as well as powering a range of electronic devices.
這些新的電池有相同的能量容量和權力尖端專用充電電池中使用的混合動力汽車 ,以及供電範圍的電子設備。 The batteries could be manufactured using a cheap and environmentally friendly process, as the synthesis can be done near room temperature, using no harmful solvents or toxic materials.
2002年---她創立Cambrios與伊夫林屬虎的哈佛大學 。



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