TEDTalks2011.4.27---Angela Belcher:利用自然病毒增长电池功能

TEDTalks2011.4.27---Angela Belcher:利用自然病毒增长电池功能
TEDTalks : Angela Belcher: Using nature to grow batteries -
Inspired by an abalone shell, Angela Belcher programs viruses to make elegant nanoscale structures that humans can use. Selecting for high-performing genes through directed evolution, she's produced viruses that can construct powerful new batteries, clean hydrogen fuels and record-breaking solar cells. At TEDxCaltech, she shows us how it's done.
About Angela Belcher
Angela Belcher looks to nature for inspiration on how to engineer viruses to create extraordinary new materials
TEDTalks:安吉拉贝尔彻:利用自然增长电池 -

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