ideaCity2010.10.8---Juliana Chen :世界第一夫人魔術

ideaCity2010.10.8---Juliana Chen :世界第一夫人魔術
About this speaker: Juliana Chen was born and raised in China. At the age of 10, she was selected for specialized training at the Hunan Academy for the Performing Arts. Originally trained in ballet, she later moved onto acrobatics and juggling before taking an interest in magic as a teenage. In 1986, she won the All-China Best Magician competition. As her talents developed she continued to win numerous magic competitions in Europe and the USA.
Juliana Chen is the first woman and the first magician of Chinese heritage to win a world title for a solo act in the 50-year history of the World Congress of Magicians. Juliana Chen is "the World's First Lady of Magic."

關於本揚聲器:陳任慧芬出生並成長於中國。在10歲,她被選定為專門培訓在湖南演藝學院表演藝術。最初接受芭蕾舞,她後來走上了雜技,雜耍等,然後採取有興趣在魔術作為一個十幾歲。 1986年,她贏得了全中國最佳魔術師的競爭。由於她繼續發展她的才華贏得無數​​魔術比賽在歐洲和美國。

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